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gran.cloud.file~ Abstraction variable density of individual grains with random offset, pitch, gain and panning
This abstraction creates a variable density of individual grains with random offset, pitch, gain and panning based on the parameters. It uses a sound file as its sampling source.
gran.cloud.live~ Abstraction variable density of individual grains with random offset, pitch, gain and panning
This abstraction creates a variable density of individual grains with random offset, pitch, gain and panning based on the parameters. It uses a continuous sound input as its sampling source.
gran.groove.file~ Abstraction like groove~ object, with independent pitch and playback speed (granular synthesis)
This abstraction will loop a sound file similar to the groove~ object. However, since it uses granular synthesis the pitch and playback speed are independent of one another.
gran.pitch.file~ Abstraction produce sampled grains shifted to a new pitch
Based on a single pitch multiplier, this abstraction will produce sampled grains shifted to a new pitch. It uses a sound file as its sampling source.
gran.pitch.live~ Abstraction produce sampled grains shifted to a new pitch
Based on a single pitch multiplier, this abstraction will produce sampled grains shifted to a new pitch. It uses a continuous sound input as its sampling source.
gran.play.file~ Abstraction granular synthesis, similar to the play~ object
This abstraction will access a sound file similar to the play~ object. It creates a new inlet for controlling the sample offset of the grains.
gran.space2.file~ Abstraction 8 streams of grains, evenly panned and out-of-phase
Eight streams of grains are evenly panned and out-of-phase. They can be turned on in various configurations to achieve interesting spatial effects. The abstraction uses a sound file as its sampling source.
gran.space2.live~ Abstraction 8 streams of grains, evenly panned and out-of-phase
Eight streams of grains are evenly panned and out-of-phase. They can be turned on in various configurations to achieve interesting spatial effects. The abstraction uses a continuous sound input as its sampling source.
gran.space8.file~ Abstraction Eight streams of grains are evenly out-of-phase and output individually.
Eight streams of grains are evenly out-of-phase and output individually. They can be turned on in various configurations to achieve interesting spatial effects. The abstraction uses a sound file as its sampling source.
gran.space8.live~ Abstraction Eight streams of grains are evenly out-of-phase and output individually.
Eight streams of grains are evenly out-of-phase and output individually. They can be turned on in various configurations to achieve interesting spatial effects. The abstraction uses a continuous sound input as its sampling source.
granola~ External granular pitch shifter
greaterthaneq~ (>=~) External greater than or equal to signal operator
greaterthan~ (>~) External Signal greater-than operator
Signal greater-than operator. The signal greater-than operator outputs a 1 signal when the left input is greater than the right input and a 0 when it is less than or equal the right input. The right input can be a signal or a float.
groove~ External Variable-rate looping sample playback from a buffer~
gt.grain1~ Abstraction generate a single grain
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='22'Mitchell Turner Turn_To_FFT_1.01 is a set of pfft~ subpatches that punch irregular holes into the spectrum of a sound.

4855 objects and 135 libraries within the database Last entries : December 23rd, 2023 Last comments : 0 0 visitor and 89099808 members connected RSS
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