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peak~ Abstraction peak meter
peak~ is a peak meter, much like the red peak indicator in MSP’s signal meter. This abstraction is a relic of the days when chic graphic interfaces were just a dream.
peek~ External Read and write buffer~ values
Read and write buffer~ values. peek~ treats buffer~ as if it were a floating-point table object. You can write single values, and read from the buffer~ by index.
peq1~ Abstraction parametric EQ
This parametric EQ element provides symmetrical boost/cut for a first-order high and low shelf. It uses the coef_hlshelf2~ coefficient generator, but does not provide gain control for the mid-range by-product shelf. The two shelves may be attenuated or boosted between -30 dB and +30 dB. The cutoff frequencies are automatically constrained, so that the low cutoff is not higher than the high cutoff. The constrained frequencies are output for display convenience.
peq2~ Abstraction parametric EQ
This parametric EQ element provides symmetrical boost/cut for a second-order band filter. It uses the coef_bpass3~ coefficient generator, and provides attenuation/gain between -30 dB and +30 dB for a frequency band specified by center frequency and bandwidth.
peqbank1~ Abstraction parametric EQ filter bank
This is a complete parametric EQ filter bank comprised of two shelving filters and two band filters. in succession. It is designed to provide the functionality of the parametric EQ modules on a professional mixing console. Since it is just an agglomeration of peq1~ and two peq2~ modules, you should refer to the descriptions of these two abstractions, above.
peqbank~ External Banks of shelving and parametric EQ filters.
pfft~ External pfft~ sets up its own signal chain for the processing of frequency-domain signals. the actual windowing and FFT is performed by the fftin~ and fftout~ objects, used in conjunction with pfft~.
phasemod~ External phase modulation
phaseshift1~ Abstraction phase-shifter
This module phase-shifts and dynamically filters regions of a spectrum with the aid of three dynamic-parameter allpass filters (apass3~). It is best suited to filter sweeep effects.
phaseshift~ External Allpass phase-shifting filter
Allpass phase-shifting filter. phaseshift~ is a 2nd-order phase shift filter. It provides a nonlinear delay time as a function of input frequency, emulating the phase shift elements found in analog phase shifter effects. Cascade several phaseshift~ objects to create a more dramatic effect.
phasewrap~ External wrap a signal between -pi and pi
phasor.shift~ External phase signals like phasor~
Outputs phase signals like 'phasor~' with evenly-spaced phase relationships between the outlets.
phasor~ External Sawtooth ramp generator
Phasor~ generates a sawtooth wave. This can be listened to directly, or used as a phase generator for a table-lookup oscillator, such as cycle~ or wave~.
pink~ External Pink noise generator
pink~ generates pink noise, as distinguished from white noise (which the MSP object noise~ generates). White noise has constant spectral power per hertz of bandwidth, while pink noise has constant power per octave. Subjectively, pink noise sounds less hissy than white noise.
pitch~ External Pitch tracker (based on fiddle~ from Miller Puckette)

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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='22'Mitchell Turner Turn_To_FFT_1.01 is a set of pfft~ subpatches that punch irregular holes into the spectrum of a sound.

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