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modal_pc_match External The modal_pc_match object takes an incoming note in its left inlet and compares it against the diatonic pitch classes of any scale.

created by V.J. Manzo
The modal_pc_match object takes an incoming note in its left inlet and compares it against the diatonic pitch classes of any scale as defined by the modal_change object. If the incoming pitch matches one of the pitch classes of the scale, the object outputs a bang from one of its first seven outlets.
The object also defines the chromatic notes between diatonic scale degrees. If an incoming pitch matches a chromatic scale degree, the object outputs a bang from one of the next 14 outlets. For example, a C# played in the key of C Major is between scale degrees 1 & 2 - C & D - a whole step. An incoming C# in any octave will send a bang out of the outlet marked “Match Scale Degree #1” [read Sharp One].
The incoming note may also match a chromatic scale degree between a step and a half (3 semitones). In this case, two chromatic notes are next to each other separated by a half step. The lower of the two chromatic notes is referred to as the “#1” (assuming that the step and half interval is located between scale degrees 1 and 2 as is the case in the sixth mode of the harmonic minor scale, Lydian #2). The other chromatic note is closer to the higher scale degree and would be referred to as “b2”, thus the object would output the message “Match Scale Degree b2”. For example, imagine a G played in the key of A Harmonic Minor (between scale degrees 6 & 7 - F & G#). An F# is interpreted as “#6” and the G is interpreted as “b7”. Note: only the harmonic minor and harmonic major scales and their modes have two scale degrees separated by a step and a half.
In addition to matching chromatic pitches, the modal_pc_match object also outputs the chromatic pitch classes out of its last 14 outlets. Note that this means some notes will be redundant. For example, scale degree_b2 will be the same pitch as scale degree_#1 in Major keys. Once again, this will not be the case in the modes of harmonic minor and harmonic major where two pitch classes are separated by 3 semitones.

created by V.J. Manzo

www.vjmanzo.com | www.vincemanzo.com
motormix.in External The motormix.in object takes channelized data from the motormix
The motormix.in object takes channelized data from the motormix (such as the fader message, which is fader ), removes the channel number and sends the data out a selected output. The first outlet outputs data that is not channelized (like the bank and group buttons).
motormix.out External The motormix.out object takes non-channelized data from your Max patch and adds an appropriate channel number.
The motormix.out object takes non-channelized data from your Max patch and adds an appropriate channel number. For example, if you send the message "fader " into the first inlet, the result will be "fader 0 " (since channel 0 is the first valid motormix channel). Messages that don't need to be channelized (like the bank and group messages) can be sent any input, and will be output without change.
MouseK External sends the state of the mouse key in both complementary ways
MouseWhile Abstraction sends mouse horizontal & vertical position only when button is pressed
MouseX External sends vertical position
MouseY External sends horizontal position
mtc External mtc is an interface to the Tactex Controls multi-touch controller (MTC)
mtc is an interface to the Tactex Controls multi-touch controller (MTC). It sends commands to a serialX object, which controls the serial port that the MTC is attached to, and responds to data returned from the MTC via the serialX object
MultiCtrl External Allows several user interface controllers to be used simultaneously in such a way that any can be used and others are updated.
E.g. a number box and a slider control can be linked so that both will control output and when one is changed, the other changes accordingly without sending Max into stack overflow. MultiCtrl seems to deal fairly well with floats except that they are treated as integers.
Multiple Module Coll Memory System Patch An example patcher (tutorial) showing a system for collecting the data from many UI objects in different patchers or bpatchers (“Multiple Modules“) into a single coll file as a program of several lines.
An example patcher (tutorial) showing a system for collecting the data from many UI objects in different patchers or bpatchers (“Multiple Modules“) into a single coll file as a program of several lines. Each program can have a name, which appears in a popup menu of all the names for various programs. Programs may be saved, cleared, or entered, sending the various stored values for display in the correct UI objects in the various modules. The entire master coll file can be written to or read from disk, thereby allowing the user to save a complete “bank” of programs. Unlike use of the preset object, your data file can be edited as text, and adding/removing UI objects from the modules as your application grows is far easier than trying to do that with a preset object (which usually stops working after awhile).
mwc External cleans-up your max window
mwc cleans up your max window when you send it a bang. This version was tested on an Intel Macintosh.
mwc_bu External mwc_bu clears your max window when you send it a bang.
Very usefull when debugging a patch. If you have any problem downloading the object... e-mail me and i will send it to you : tworowski@freesurf.fr.
Thank you
net.mail.send Javaclass (mxj) Sending messages to an email server
This class requires the free JavaMail and the JavaBean Activation Framework libraries. Installation instructions can be found in mxj tutorial number 9.
net.multi.send Javaclass (mxj) network communication – sending to a multicast group
sending to a multicast group
net.tcp.send Javaclass (mxj) network communication – sends TCP packets
sends TCP packets
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lh_midi objects
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='151'Leigh Hunt These objects can be utilised to send and receive all types of midi data to and from a max4live device.

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