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11strokes External This external simulates keyboard input and sends it to the currently active window.
This external simulates keyboard input and sends it to the currently active window.
adc~ External Output audio from computer's input source
adc~ (which stands for "analog-to-digital conversion") receives multiple channels of audio in and sends it to its outputs as signals. It receives messages to turn audio on and off.
aesend External Send Max messages as Apple Events
afterglow.max.Cue Javaclass (mxj) Control an Afterglow light cue
Controls a single Afterglow Cue, based on its coordinates in the Cue Grid, and sends updates about changes to its state. Lets you set initial values for cue variables when the cue is started by this object, and adjust their values while the cue is running regardless of how it was started. Sends updates about changes to those variables to its outlets while the cue is running, whether or not the changes came from within Max.
afterglow.max.NextFrame Javaclass (mxj) Prepare for a light show frame
Sends information about when Afterglow is next going to generate control values for the lights, allowing patchers to set up appropriate context, such as adjusting cue variables to be used in creating the frame. Also can be used to start or stop the light show by sending start and stop messages to its inlet.
ajaxReceiver Javaclass (mxj) enable http browser-max communication
xmlhttprequest is using http(socket) for sending request. ajaxReceiver can receive http request.
alea-rhythm Abstraction rythm generator
Sends out rhythm bangs at random times from a geometrical time row defined by a a min. and max. entry delay (ED) and a certain number of ED-values.
anti-bis Abstraction Filters out immediate repetitions of integers. Right output sends a bang whenever this occurs.
anti-bis&osc Abstraction Filters out direct repetitions and when a number has occured the penultimate time
Filters out direct repetitions and when a number has occured the penultimate time, right output sends a bang when this occurs.
anti-osc Abstraction Filters out an integer which has occured the penultimate time.
Filters out an integer which has occured the penultimate time. Right output sends a bang when this occurs. Does not filter out immediate repetition as it is done by"anti-bis".
AsyncSerial External Interface with serial devices. Provides improved functionality over the builtin [serial] object.
An external object for Max/MSP on Mac OSX that interfaces with serial devices. This is intended to provide more useful functionality than the built-in [serial] object. Namely, [AsyncSerial] listens for incoming data on a separate thread and spits it out whenever it arrives. It does not need to be polled. This is similar to how UDPReceive works, and thus similar care must be taken when dealing with multithreaded Max-patches. [AsyncSerial] can also have its input buffer flushed, which is necessary when sending commands to a device and awaiting a reply. [AsyncSerial] can also be put in and out of \\\'canonical\\\' input mode, in which data is only spit out once a newline char \\\'\\\\n\\\' is received, which is useful for parsing text-based replies. [AsyncSerial] also allows users to set VMIN and VTIME, as described in the unix manual, sub verbo \\\'termios\\\'. [AsyncSerial] can either output received data as a sequence of bytes, as [serial] does, or as a list of text symbols, which is useful with canonic input processing.
B-Keeper Patch B-Keeper uses a Java object in Max/MSP to synchronise Ableton Live with a drummer.
B-Keeper takes in microphone input from the drums and sends out MIDI messages that control the tempo of Ableton Live so that Live keeps time with the drums. It's written as a Java object and is designed with a Max patch that has control parameters for the system and outputs graphics.
bangbang External Output bangs from right-to-left
Bangbang takes an optional argument giving the number of outlets (default two, max 40). It takes any message in its inlet and sends 'bang' out its outlets, right to left. Also can be abbreviated "b"
bline External bang-based multi-segment line object
The bline object is an event-driven version of the Max line object. It takes a breakpoint list of [target] [time_to_target] pairs and 'tweens' appropriately to generate a smooth function. The major difference is that the bline object is driven by bang messages sent to its left inlet instead of being driven by the Max scheduler. This gives the object a flexible timebase, which is useful when working with events that have a variable processing time (such as rendering matrices in Jitter). As with the line object, the bline object sends a bang out the object's right outlet when the current ramp is finished. It works with integer and floating point numbers, can be stopped (with the stop message), and can use multi-segment lists (unlike Max line, but in keeping with the MSP equivalent, line~).
bthresher~ External bthresher~ extends the thresher model, to give independent control over the parameters of each individual bin.
bthresher~ extends the thresher model, to give independent control over the parameters of each individual bin. You can also randomly set damping and threshold values, and can dump the current values (to possibly send as input to another bthresher~ unit).

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lh_midi objects
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='151'Leigh Hunt These objects can be utilised to send and receive all types of midi data to and from a max4live device.

4855 objects and 135 libraries within the database Last entries : December 23rd, 2023 Last comments : 0 0 visitor and 52743210 members connected RSS
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