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ep.binSpat~ Abstraction handles binaural spatialization for use with headphones through the use of hrtf's.
version 0.16 29-03-2006

ep.binSpat~ is an msp object (abstraction) that handles binaural spatialization for use with headphones through the use of hrtf's. It can virtualy position a monoaural source on a horizontal plane 360 degrees around the listeners head by dynamic control of two parameters: direction and distance. It doesn't control vertical positioning.

Thanx to soundHack for sampling the HRIR's.
Some theory info: http://interface.cipic.ucdavis.edu/CIL_tutorial/3D_HRTF/3D_HRTF.htm
Only tested on OSX 10.4.4 with MaxMSP version 4.5.6. Heard from others that it works on OS9 and Windows XP too, though.

download at http://www.eude.nl/maxmsp
please send comments/reactions to: edo@eude.nl
error External Output Max window errors as messages
The error object allows you to catch errors and output them as Max messages. The messages are separated by individual words so you can check for specific failures. In order to produce an error message, error has to be "listening" for errors, which you can do by sending it a 1. To stop listening, send a 0.
ether~ External ether~ selects portions of two input signals and creates a composite output spectrum based upon the amplitude of the inputs
ether~ selects portions of two input signals and creates a composite output spectrum based upon the amplitude of the inputs. The loudest band of the two inputs will be selected. Sending the inverse message will reverse this behavior selecting the weakest. The composite index is a scalar for the selection of the second input. Useful values will vary according to the amplitude characteristics of the input signals. Try values greater than 0 and less than 100. But higher values may be effective depending upon the input signals.
f0.vs Abstraction value+send that remembers what has been sent
fe.fwd Javascript (js) Dynamic remote router
Sends messages dynamically to any bound [receive] object, in a very different way than [forward], with automatic prefix features and much more...
filename Abstraction sends out a read message with the full pathname of the chosen file.
In Max 4 and later, use opendialog instead
flame External Send int/float controller values from Max to Symbolic Sound's Capybara through the Flame FireWire interface.
The flame Max object enables you to send int/float controller values from Max to the Capybara through the Flame Firewire interface, using the MIDI controller channel and controller number naming scheme (controller numbers 0-127 for Kyma's !cc00-!cc127), but avoiding the restricted MIDI controller value resolution and speed.
flexible_receive Abstraction Receive messages from different "dist" senders. dist senders should be connected to appropriately named receives
folder External List all the files of a certain type in a certain folder
Folder can fill a menu object with the names of files in a folder. You can specify the folder as an argument or by sending a symbol with the name in it. The forward-slash character / is used as a path delineator. An initial slash at the beginning of a path indicates the boot volume. The Max application folder is referred to by using period-slash (e.g.: "./max-help"). On Windows a path may be preceded by a drive letter (e.g.: "C:/Documents/joe/Desktop/phase_vocoder.pat").
forward External Send remote message to a variety of objects
Unlike the "send" object, the destination receive object of forward can be changed with each message. This modification cannot be made to send because existing patchers already send the "send" message through send for other purposes. All messages other than "send" are sent to a remote object bound to the symbol "forward" currently holds (set as the first argument to the "send" message)
ftm.object External an FTM object in a Max box
The object ftm.obj allows for the static creation of an FTM object. A reference to the FTM object is sent outof ftm.obj when sending a bang to its inlet. All other messages sent to ftm.obj are redirected to the FTM object it contains.
ftm.send External send message to FTM object
gate~ External Switch input to different output signals
Switch input to different output signals. The gate~ object is a version of the Max gate object for signals. It takes an argument for number of outputs (one is the default) and lets you route an incoming signal by sending an int to its left inlet. If there is more than one input, gate~ shuts off all outputs except the one you select, where 1 selects the left outlet, 2 selects the next one to the right, etc. gate~ can also control the activation or deactivation of part of a signal processing network. For an example, see the begin~ help file. Note: "shutting off" a signal means disconnecting it from a gate~ output and outputting a zero signal instead. This is different from the behavior of the Max gate object.
gem.render_trigger External Send out a bang on pre and post render
grab External Send a message and extract / Intercept the result
Intercept the output of another object
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lh_midi objects
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='151'Leigh Hunt These objects can be utilised to send and receive all types of midi data to and from a max4live device.

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