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otudp_wrap Abstraction otudp wrapper
with the use of an objectmapping file in the init folder using (for example) otudp becomes completely transparent on both platforms. (ok almost, otudp write has an outlet on OSX whereas udp-write on XP doesn't, that's not a problem if you don't deal with reading from the writing object).
outlet External Communicate from inside a sub-patch
patcher External create a sub-patch
You can embed a Patcher in another one with a "Patcher" box, as above. The inlets and outlets on the box correspond to the inlet and outlet boxes in the embedded Patcher. You can close the embedded window by clicking in its close box and reopen it by double-clicking the Patcher box below.
patcherargs External Get parent patcher arguments
The patcherargs object outputs the parent patcher's arguments when a patcher is loaded. "Normal" arguments are sent as a list out the left outlet, while attribute style arguments are parsed and sent out as a series of lists out the right outlet. The patcherargs object accepts additional arguments which will be used in the event that the parent patcher has no arguments.
permutate Abstraction random based object
A supply (any material list of int, float and symbols) in right inlet is permutated irregularily without immediate repetition of an element. Whenever a bang is sent to the left inlet, one element of the supply is sent to the outlet.
phasor.shift~ External phase signals like phasor~
Outputs phase signals like 'phasor~' with evenly-spaced phase relationships between the outlets.
pipe External Delay line for numerical values
Pipe is a delay line for integers. Unlike 'delay' it can remember many values at once, putting them out at the appropriate times. With no arguments, pipe delays a single integer. More than one argument allows you to delay multiple integers by the same amount, with the rightmost outlet firing first. The delays are triggered by an integer in the leftmost inlet. Pipe can delay floating point numbers when floating point arguments are typed in.
playcontrol_v3 External 2 button sfplay~ control.
Only tested on sfplay~ so far.
Allows the use of 2 buttons to control Play/Pause (Resume) and Stop.
For best use, insert into a subpatch and then connect message boxes "Play/Pause" and "Stop" to the inlets respectively. Connect the outlet to sfplay~.
Play/Pause will Play the file from the begining and then pause if clicked again. While paused it will 'resume' if clicked. Stop will reset and it will play from the begining.
Version 3 fixed the pause/resume problem.
plinko Javaclass (mxj) plinko takes a bang, int, float, list, or any other type of message and sends it out a random outlet.
a list of floats, between 0. and 1. in ascending order, to define the probability of the input coming out each outlet
pmpd.mass External 1D mass. This object's inlet need forces (float), and outlet it's position (float). All forces send to it's inlet are add together. A bang allow the mass to compute it's new position, and to output it. The mass can move due to it's inertia.
ÒmassÓ objects react like a point mass. It takes forces at its input, and output its position. It move according to the Newtonian dynamics: ·F = m ?. ÒmassÓ objects got inertia, but they are punctual (they can not rotate). For each time iteration, they make the summation of forces apply to their inlet to know the acceleration to have (positive or negative).
pmpd.mass2D External 2D mass.
This object's inlet need forces, and outlet it's position. All forces send to it's inlet are add together. A bang allow the mass to compute it's new position, and to output it. The mass can move due to it's inertia. This is like the 1D object, but forces / displacement append in 2D.
pmpd.tLink3D External get position of 3D masses, output forces
This is a test object. It only output informations about a specific kink on 2 masses. You should connect it's inlet like a normal link connection. It's outlet correspond to internal variables of a link.
poly External Allocate notes to different voices, polyphonic voice allocation
Poly does polyphonic voice allocation. The one here has only two voices for the sake of clarity. The notes you send are repeated to the outlets only if a voice was found for them. The right outlet passes through any notes over the maximum number of voices allowed. If a second argument is given, poly implements voice stealing, and the overflow outlet goes away.
pp External Define a plug-in parameter (pluggo)
pp defines the name and index of a parameter for a plug-in. This allows it to be automated by the hosting program and changed with the plug-in slider interface. Values changed in these ways are sent out the object's outlets.
prob External Build a transition table of probabilities, Make weighted random series of numbers
Prob accepts lists of three numbers in its inlet. The third number represents the weight of the probability of going from states represented by the first two numbers. For example, 1 2 4 would mean that there is a weight of 4 in going from state 1 to state 2. When prob receives a bang, it makes a random jump from its current state to another state based on its current weighting of transitions. If a transition can be made, the new state is sent out the left outlet. If not, a bang is sent out the right outlet. For any particular state, the weights of all possible transition states are summed. Thus if a state could jump to three states that had weights of 3 4 and 1, the first one (3) would occur 37.5% of the time, the second 50% of the time, and the third 12.5%. Note that any state can make a transition to itself with a list of the form (state state weight).
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Panaiotis Objects
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='122' Panaiotis The Mac version is UB.

These Max objects have been enhanced since the documentation to the left was written. Help files for the objects provide information on enhancements.

The matrix object has been substantially upgraded. It now combines features of unpack, spray, funnel, append, and prepend into one object. This makes a great object to place between controllers and jit objects because it acts like a multi-prepend. There are new configuration commands and enhancements to the old: even, odd, mod,and range, among others). Most commands can be applied to inlets of outlets. There is also a mute function that adds another layer of control. Matrixctrl support has been enhanced. See the help file for full details and examples.

Most other objects now fully support floats. RCer and autocount will count in float values, not just integers.

Notegen16 is a 16 channel version of its predecessor: notegen. It is more generalized and much more efficient.

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