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hoa.plug~ External A partcher that duplicates patcher for hoa processing.
hoa.plug~ facilitates the modularization of patches for ambisonic processing. The number of inlets and outlets is dependant on the number of inlets and outlets objects within its subpatch window, the ambisonic order andf the 1st argument. The 2nd argument is the name of the patcher to load and the 3rd argument is the mode pre, no or post decoding.
abs External Absolute value of input
Absolute value of input Arguments: optional float to set float version; Inlet: int or float; Outlet: int or float
adstatus External Report information about audio processing and control audio settings
The adstatus object takes a keyword argument to determine the setting being reported and/or controlled. The left outlet generally sets the menu object with the control choices, while the right outlet reports the actual value of the setting. The keywords are as follows:
afterglow.max.Cue Javaclass (mxj) Control an Afterglow light cue
Controls a single Afterglow Cue, based on its coordinates in the Cue Grid, and sends updates about changes to its state. Lets you set initial values for cue variables when the cue is started by this object, and adjust their values while the cue is running regardless of how it was started. Sends updates about changes to those variables to its outlets while the cue is running, whether or not the changes came from within Max.
aleamapper External Prinipally designed for the MaxAlea objects, the middle outlet outputs input variables below the minin boundry, the right outlet outputs input above the maxin boundry. A kind of combination of the scale and clip objects.
Prinipally designed for the MaxAlea objects, the middle outlet outputs input variables below the minin boundry, the right outlet outputs input above the maxin boundry. Allows a finetuning of scaled boundries and/or a utilisation of data which falls outside these boundries. May also be used to zoom into a particular region of a distribution. When creating discrete variables from continous, the upper boundry must be increased by one more than the value wished.That is, for values between 0 and 127 one selects 0 and 128.
alternate External Alternate outlets every data is inputted
andOSC Patch Receives OSC data from Android´s andOSC app.
This object receives OSC data from Android´s andOSC app. To visualize it you have to connect a "flonum" object to each outlet.

Important: You must have "OpenSoundControl" and "OSC-route" objects from CNMAT to run this one.
anti-interval Abstraction Filters out a certain interval
Filters out a certain interval (which is the argument of this function) of a stream of notes and outputs a bang from right outlet whenever this interval would have occured.
anti-octave Abstraction Filters out octaves between two consecutive notes
Filters out octaves between two consecutive notes and outputs a bang from right outlet whenever an octave has occured.
anti-octave&prime Abstraction Filters out octaves and primes
Filters out octaves and primes (i.e. tone repetitions) between two consecutive notes and outputs a bang from right outlet whenever this would have occured.
aubioonset~ External Onset detection from the aubio library.
Outlet 3 is the raw output, outlet 0 is signal, outlet 1 bangs when onset detected, outlet 2 is processed onset detection function.
bangbang External Output bangs from right-to-left
Bangbang takes an optional argument giving the number of outlets (default two, max 40). It takes any message in its inlet and sends 'bang' out its outlets, right to left. Also can be abbreviated "b"
banger External An object to bang outlets sequentially.
bline External bang-based multi-segment line object
The bline object is an event-driven version of the Max line object. It takes a breakpoint list of [target] [time_to_target] pairs and 'tweens' appropriately to generate a smooth function. The major difference is that the bline object is driven by bang messages sent to its left inlet instead of being driven by the Max scheduler. This gives the object a flexible timebase, which is useful when working with events that have a variable processing time (such as rendering matrices in Jitter). As with the line object, the bline object sends a bang out the object's right outlet when the current ramp is finished. It works with integer and floating point numbers, can be stopped (with the stop message), and can use multi-segment lists (unlike Max line, but in keeping with the MSP equivalent, line~).
bogus External non-existent object
The bogus object is created when Max cannot find the definition of an object in a patch being read from a file. The object has as many inlets and outlets as are needed to preserve existing connections, in case the name of an object has changed or the file that defines the object can be moved to a folder where Max can find it. You can retype the name to try to recreate the object again.
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Panaiotis Objects
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='122' Panaiotis The Mac version is UB.

These Max objects have been enhanced since the documentation to the left was written. Help files for the objects provide information on enhancements.

The matrix object has been substantially upgraded. It now combines features of unpack, spray, funnel, append, and prepend into one object. This makes a great object to place between controllers and jit objects because it acts like a multi-prepend. There are new configuration commands and enhancements to the old: even, odd, mod,and range, among others). Most commands can be applied to inlets of outlets. There is also a mute function that adds another layer of control. Matrixctrl support has been enhanced. See the help file for full details and examples.

Most other objects now fully support floats. RCer and autocount will count in float values, not just integers.

Notegen16 is a 16 channel version of its predecessor: notegen. It is more generalized and much more efficient.

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