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ramps Patch 'ramps' is an abstraction to make loop of ascending and descending ramps setting time and interpolation values. If the interpolation segment is not a multiple of the range size it is rounded to nearest value.
'ramps' is an abstraction to make loop of ascending and descending ramps setting time and interpolation values. If the interpolation segment is not a multiple of the range size it is rounded to nearest value. Arguments 1) loop (first inlet): the number 1 generates a loop of ascending and descending ramps; 2) on-off (second inlet): start and stop the ramps; 3) metro: (third inlett) metronome time in milliseconds; 4) interpol: (fourth inlet) interpolation value; 5) maxvalue (fifth inlet): high threshold of the ramp; 6) offset (sixth inlet): optional initial value for the ramp. Note that if the offset value is egual or greater then the 'maxvalue' argument you can generate only descending ramps. Outlet 1) Left outlet outputs the ramps int; 2) Right outlet outputs a bang with every zero transition .
reanimate Abstraction Sends out a bang on right outlet after x miliseconds if there has been no input bang in left inlet during x miliseconds.
Sends out a bang on right outlet after x miliseconds if there has been no input bang in left inlet during x miliseconds. Bangs which are sent to the left inlet are simply passed through. A "stop" message in left input stops the reanimation.
receive~ External Receive a signal from one or more send~ objects
Receive a signal from one or more send~ objects. receive~ grabs signals put out by send~ objects and outputs them out its signal outlet. You can switch between all current receive~ objects using the set message. To turn off the audio coming from a receive~, use set with the name of a send~ that doesn't currently exist.
reroute External Integer re-router: Reroutes 8 integer streams to any of up to 32 outlets.
rh.floscroll Abstraction rh.floscroll allows you to select two keys on your computer keyboard which when held down will scroll up & down through floating point number values. The scrolling speed is user defined.

The first argument (int) sets the ASCII code number for a key on the computer keyboard for scrolling upwards through floating point number values. The second argument (int) sets the ASCII code number for a key on the computer keyboard for scrolling downwards through floating point number values. The third argument (int)sets the scrolling speed in milliseconds.


The left outlet is the scrolled floating point number value when the selected key on the computer keyboard is depressed.
The 2nd and 3rd outlets when connected to a message box display the scrolling key names.
The 4th and 5th outlets are the ASCII numbers for the scrolling keys.
rh.flostep Abstraction rh.flostep allows you to select two keys on your computer keyboard which when pressed will step up & down through floating point number values. The step size is user defined.

The first argument (int) sets the ASCII code number for a key on the computer keyboard for stepping upwards through floating point number values. The second argument (int) sets the ASCII code number for a key on the computer keyboard for stepping downwards through floating point number values. The third argument (int) sets the step value.


The left outlet is the floating point value when the selected key on the computer keyboard is depressed.
The 2nd and 3rd outlets when connected to a message box display the key names for stepping upwards and downwards.
The 4th and 5th outlets are the ASCII numbers for the key commands.
rh.intscroll Abstraction rh.intscroll allows you to select two keys on your computer keyboard which when held down will scroll up & down through integer values. The scrolling speed is user defined.


The first argument (int) sets the ASCII code number for a key on the computer keyboard for scrolling upwards through integer values. The second argument (int)sets the ASCII code number for a key on the computer keyboard for scrolling downwards through integer values. The third argument (int) sets the scrolling speed in milliseconds.


The left outlet is the scrolled integer value when the selected key on the computer keyboard is depressed.

The 2nd and 3rd outlets when connected to a message box display the scrolling key names.

The 4th and 5th outlets are the ASCII numbers for the scrolling keys.
rh.intstep Abstraction rh.intstep allows you to select two keys on your computer keyboard which when pressed will step up & down through integer values. The step size is user defined.

The first argument (int) sets the ASCII code number for a key on the computer keyboard for stepping upwards through integer values. The second argument (int) sets the ASCII code number for a key on the computer keyboard for stepping downwards through integer values. The third argument (int) sets the step value.


The left outlet is the integer value when the selected key on the computer keyboard is depressed.
The 2nd and 3rd outlets when connected to a message box display the key names for stepping upwards and downwards.
The 4th and 5th outlets are the ASCII numbers for the key commands.
rh.palipan Abstraction This abstraction allows you to display two integer values between 11 and 99 as a palindrome. rh.palipan is useful for randomizing panning or any other parameters where two 'related' but separate integers are required.
Left inlet bang triggers the random selection and and output.
The middle inlet turns on a metronome for timed random output.
The right inlet sets the metronome speed in milliseconds.


The first argument (int) sets the metronome speed in milliseconds (optional).


Left outlet is an integer value between 11 and 99.
Middle outlet is an integer value which is the difference between the left and right integer values.
Right outlet is an integer value between 11 and 99.
rm.floatlistconverter External Fixes bugged output from an mxj when using outletHigh(int outletIdx, java.lang.String message, float[] values) or outletHigh(int outletIdx, java.lang.String message, int[] values).
Fixes bugged output from an mxj when using outletHigh(int outletIdx, java.lang.String message, float[] values) or outletHigh(int outletIdx, java.lang.String message, int[] values). See my post about the bug on Cycling 74's forums for more info: http://cycling74.com/forums/topic.php?id=34998
rotator External rotates any input across numerous outlets
route External Selectively pass the input out a specific outlet
route takes a message and tries to match its first argument to route's own arguments. The rightmost outlet passes any message that matched no other choice, so you may gang routes to get more choices.
route# Abstraction To prevent #x arguments to be fired when you edit the original but still rotes it to an extra outlet.
sadam.dom Javaclass (mxj) A Document Object Model (DOM) interface for Max.
sadam.dom will create, read, store or even modify DOM trees. The DOM is one of the possible representations of the contents of an XML document (see http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/.) The object internally uses the default Java DOM parser that comes as an instance of javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory, bringing all the power and almost all of the functionality of a W3C-certified DOM parser to MaxMSP. The kind of Nodes currently not handled by sadam.dom are: Comment, Entity, EntityReference, Notation and ProcessingInstruction.

When an XML is parsed, the object will assign a unique ID to each Element of the document, called the Element Index. This index won't get stored and changes each time when the order of Elements in the XML is modified (either by inserting or removing Elements). However, using the Element Index is the preferred (and in most cases, the only) way to address a given element in the XML. The Element Index is sent out the rightmost outlet each time an element is accessed. The Element Index of the Document Element is always 0, the rest of the Elements get their index in their 'order of appearence'. This means that even if an Element is being inserted or removed, the Index of the Elements that come earlier in the Document won't change.

When querying Attributes, Text, or CDATA nodes, the requested data will be sent out the appropriate outlets in right-to-left order (in case of Attributes, if more than one Attribute is requested, they will be sent to the output as a sequence like AttributeName1-AttributeValue1-AttributeName2-AttributeValue2-...-AttributeNameN-AttributeValueN, alternating on the appropriate outlets) followed by an error code. When querying Elements, the result will be sent out as a sequence (from right to left) consisting of the Element Index, the Tree Depth of the Element (the Document Element is at level 0, its children are at level 1 etc.), the Element's Tag Name, the Attributes, and finally the Text Content (which is a concatenation of all Text and CDATA nodes).

The leftmost outlet serves as an error outlet. After each command sent to the object, an error code is being sent back through this outlet at the end of the execution of the given command. A negative value means that the command could not be executed successfully, while 0 means success. In some cases (typically when one or more Elements are queried) the error outlet reports the number of Elements successfully returned.

sadam.dom and sadam.sax are both W3C compliant XML parsers, however, this means some overhead in terms of resources. If you need a lightweight, fast XML parser and you can live with some limitations regarding W3C compliance, consider using sadam.rapidXML.
sadam.mutex External Mutual exclusion (semaphore) object.
sadam.mutex will help you managing the access of shared resources in your patch using semaphores. A semaphore can be locked and released, and while locked, it will prevent messages from passing through. Each semaphore must have an unique name, and instances of sadam.mutex with the same name will access the same semaphore. Each mutex has two modes, they can be either locker or releaser instances to the same semaphore. A locker object will test for each incoming message whether the semaphore is locked and if not, it will lock the semaphore and pass the message to the appropriate outlet. Releaser objects will release the semaphore each time a message arrives to their inlet.
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Panaiotis Objects
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='122' Panaiotis The Mac version is UB.

These Max objects have been enhanced since the documentation to the left was written. Help files for the objects provide information on enhancements.

The matrix object has been substantially upgraded. It now combines features of unpack, spray, funnel, append, and prepend into one object. This makes a great object to place between controllers and jit objects because it acts like a multi-prepend. There are new configuration commands and enhancements to the old: even, odd, mod,and range, among others). Most commands can be applied to inlets of outlets. There is also a mute function that adds another layer of control. Matrixctrl support has been enhanced. See the help file for full details and examples.

Most other objects now fully support floats. RCer and autocount will count in float values, not just integers.

Notegen16 is a 16 channel version of its predecessor: notegen. It is more generalized and much more efficient.

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