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searchtweet Javaclass (mxj) Returns a specified number of most recent twitter posts that contain a given keyword, #hashtag, or @usertag.
Searchtweet.class is a mxj external that searches Twitter with a given keyword and returns a desired maximum number of most recent posts, with username, date and twitter text body routed to separate outlets. Searchtweet uses twitter4j library (http://twitter4j.org) programmed by Yusuke Yamamoto.
sekd.leapmotion Javaclass (mxj) A cross platform mxj extension to interface to Leap motion controller.
Outputs dataframes from the Leap controller, including hand & finger tracking (position, velocity, direction, etc.).
Works at 100Hz refresh rate.
With Leap itself having a spatial resolution of 1/100mm (as they say).

Output is nearly exactly like aka.leapmotion.
syscommand Javaclass (mxj) Execute operating system commands from within max asynchronously.
Java classes for the Max mxj extern which enable the execution of OS system commands from within Max.(OS X,PC)
tcpClient atp Javaclass (mxj) communicate back and forth over a single persistent TCP/IP socket
A Max object written in java (using mxj) to communicate back and forth over a single persistent TCP/IP socket with a TCP/IP server, something the net.tcp objects that ship with Max can't do. Opens a socket, then sends and receives info without closing it. Closes the socket only when you tell it to, or when the server disconnects (ie from inactivity).

Useful for connecting to simple hardware network devices like EZ Web Lynx and other microcontrollers/DSPs that don't easily support something nicer like OSC, or any TCP Protocol that sends data back on the same socket.

Tested on MaxOS X 10.5 and Windows XP, Max/MSP 5.1.x

Developed by Arvid Tomayko-Peters for Your Heaven, LLC

Thanks to David Reilly for his TimedSocket class.
WhichThread Javaclass (mxj) creates a new thread in Java and calls the bang() method from there.
mxj will automatically defer output from an outlet to the main thread if the outlet method is called from a thread other than the main or scheduler threads.
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='146'Fredrik Olofsson some java classes for max
loadbang.net SQL
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='99'Nick Rothwell A Java library for communicating with SQL databases from MXJ. We currently support MySQL and HSQLDB. The HSQLDB system includes an embedded database instance, so it runs automatically from text files in Max\'s search path; no external database server configuration is necessary.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='130'Nick Rothwell net.loadbang.groovy is a package which supports the Groovy scripting/programming language within MXJ for Max/MSP.

Groovy is an agile, dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) which builds upon Java by providing features such as closures and support for domain-specific programming (such as XML processing and database access). It integrates seamlessly with Java and is very similar in syntax.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='131'Nick Rothwell Embedded Python interpreter for MaxMSP, using Jython and MXJ. This is a companion release to the Groovy interpreter.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='128'Nick Rothwell Jetty-based embedded web server for MaxMSP. The server is packaged into an MXJ object, and can serve files from any directory in MaxMSP\'s search path. The server implements two-way communication with Max: the object reports web requests into the Max world, and Max can create attribute bindings for JSPs.

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