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Home > Objects > T > tcpClient atp > author : Arvid Tomayko-peters

tcpClient atp

communicate back and forth over a single persistent TCP/IP socket

A Max object written in java (using mxj) to communicate back and forth over a single persistent TCP/IP socket with a TCP/IP server, something the net.tcp objects that ship with Max can't do. Opens a socket, then sends and receives info without closing it. Closes the socket only when you tell it to, or when the server disconnects (ie from inactivity).

Useful for connecting to simple hardware network devices like EZ Web Lynx and other microcontrollers/DSPs that don't easily support something nicer like OSC, or any TCP Protocol that sends data back on the same socket.

Tested on MaxOS X 10.5 and Windows XP, Max/MSP 5.1.x

Developed by Arvid Tomayko-Peters for Your Heaven, LLC

Thanks to David Reilly for his TimedSocket class.

Format : Javaclass (mxj)
Environment : max
Max 5.x


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