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resent~ External resent~ follows the model of residency but allows independent control over each bin.
residency_buffer~ External residency_buffer~ is like residency~ except that it uses an MSP buffer~ rather than an internal buffer.
residency_buffer~ is like residency~ except that it uses an MSP buffer~ rather than an internal buffer. This makes it slightly more complicated to work with, but potentially more efficient than residency~. Any number of units may access the same buffer (or different ones). Arguments are buffer_name (required) and quality (optional - 0 or 1). Do NOT attempt to play the recorded buffer with groove~ or other audio objects unless you have some idea of what you are doing (and turn the volume way down before attempting this).
residency~ External residency~ is a spectral sampler
residency~ is a spectral sampler. The first argument specifies how many milliseconds of sampling memory to use. Start conservatively. The megabyte usage will be reported in the Max error window. If you request more memory than is available, you may experience difficulty.
resonators~ External Parallel bank of resonant filters

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reson~ External Bandpass filter controllable by center frequency and Q
Bandpass filter controllable by center frequency and Q. reson~ implements the following filter equation: y[n] = gain * (x[n] - r * x[n-2]) + c1 * y[n-1] + c2 * y[n-2], where r, c1, and c2 are parameters calculated from the input center frequency and Q. Q is the filter bandwidth divided by center frequency. Inputs can be floats or signals. The specification is similar to the nres unit generator in cmusic.
rev1~ Abstraction reverb
rev1~ is a simple reverberation unit with lowpass filtering which is slightly more costly in terms of CPU usage than the "cheap" reverb unit: rev4~. Both reverb units have a mono input with stereo reverb output. Since the two outputs differ only by phase content, one output may be used alone when monophonic reverberation is required. The six control inputs of rev1~ control respectively, early reflection level, longer echoes level, late reverberation level, lowpass filter (damping) level, room size, and reverb time.
rev4~ Abstraction cheap reverb
This is a "cheap reverb" which is less CPU-intensive than rev1~, but which does not sound as nice. Both reverb units have a mono input with stereo reverb output. Since the two outputs differ only by phase content, one output may be used alone when monophonic reverberation is required.
rewire~ External Control devices using Propellerhead Software's ReWire 2 specification. MSP acts as a ReWire mixer. rewire~ requires ReWire version 2.0.
ri.lorenz.complex~ External the Lorenz in the complex plane
ri.lorenz.mod~ External a modified Lorenz
ri.lorenz.stenflo~ External the Lorenz-Stenflo
ri.lorenz~ External the original Lorenz
rm.slice Javaclass (mxj) The [rm.slice] object fills a call with start and endpoints for segments within a buffer~ based on when amplitude rises above a given threshold.
The [rm.slice] object fills a call with start and endpoints for segments within a buffer~ based on when amplitude rises above a given threshold. This is a java implementation of Nao Tokui's [slice~] based on a Max implementation by Volker Böhm (see subpatcher below).
rminus~ (!-~) External output the difference between the right and the left signal inputs
rmod1~ Abstraction ring modulator
Ring modulation is the result of simply multiplying two signals. This is usually done by multiplying a complex signal by a sine wave at a given reference frequency.
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='22'Mitchell Turner Turn_To_FFT_1.01 is a set of pfft~ subpatches that punch irregular holes into the spectrum of a sound.

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