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Pelado the p.jit.gl tools are designed to provide for easier learning of and experimenting with the many attributes that are available to jitter's gl objects by making them a whole lot more transparent and accessible. patches expose jitter gl object's attributes to interfaces that allow you to immediately edit and change an attribute's value. many of the parameters are attached to blines, which provide smooth changes while rendering, and all settings can be saved and recalled as presets using the pattrs that are embedded in the patches.


Panaiotis Objects

Panaiotis The Mac version is UB.

These Max objects have been enhanced since the documentation to the left was written. Help files for the objects provide information on enhancements.

The matrix object has been substantially upgraded. It now combines features of unpack, spray, funnel, append, and prepend into one object. This makes a great object to place between controllers and jit objects because it acts like a multi-prepend. There are new configuration commands and enhancements to the old: even, odd, mod,and range, among others). Most commands can be applied to inlets of outlets. There is also a mute function that adds another layer of control. Matrixctrl support has been enhanced. See the help file for full details and examples.

Most other objects now fully support floats. RCer and autocount will count in float values, not just integers.

Notegen16 is a 16 channel version of its predecessor: notegen. It is more generalized and much more efficient.



Dan Trueman PeRColate is an open-source distribution of a variety of synthesis and signal processing algorithms for Max, MSP, and Nato. It is centered around a (partial) port of the Synthesis Toolkit (STK) by Perry Cook (Princeton) and Gary Scavone (Stanford CCRMA). Like the STK, it provides a fairly easy to use library of synthesis and signal processing functions (in C) that can be wired together to create conventional and unusual instruments. Also like the STK, it includes a variety of precompiled synthesis objects, including physical modeling, modal, and PhISM class instruments; the code for these instruments can serve as foundations for creating new instruments (one example, the blotar, is included) and can be used to teach elementary and advanced synthesis techniques. Given it's STK heritage and educational function, PeRColate is largely un-optimized, though all the objects run on a 80MHz 7100, which is pretty good. PeRColate also includes a number of objects not from the STK; some are from RTcmix and others are our own evil creations, designed to crash your computer, but only after making some kind of interesting sound or image.



Pierre Guillot The pg.library is a collection of externals for Max 5 and Max 6. It includes a data, a msp and a fft library.
The Data library is a collection of externals for Max 5 and 6 that can be useful for the management, the transformation and the generation of data. The Dsp library is a collection of externals for Max 5 that allows you to pack/unpack signals and to adapt signals for the operations with packed signals. It includes a quasi-synchronous granlular synthesiser and chaotic signal generator. The FFT library is a collection of externals for Max 6 for spectral description and analysis of a signal.



Cyrille Henry Physical Modelling.
These objects provide real-time simulations, specially physical behaviors. pmpd can be used to create natural dynamic systems, like a bouncing ball, string movement, Brownian movement, chaos, fluid dynamics, sand, gravitation, and more.
With pmpd physical dynamics can be modelled without knowing the global equation of the movement. Only the cause of the movement and the involved structure are needed for the simulation. pmpd provides the basic objects for this kind of simulation. Assembling them allows the creation of a very large variety of dynamic systems .



Peter Swinnen A collection of externals to display and load data, manage lists, symbols, audio and Mac GUI



Alessandro Petrolati PulsaretM4L Ableton Live Integration Granular Synthesis

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