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pmpd.iAmbient2DExternal Create an interaction between ambient space and a class of masses.
pmpd.iAmbient3DExternal simulation of interaction between a collection of masse and a commun environement
pmpd.iCircle2DExternal Create a circlular interaction between a part of the space and a class of masses.
pmpd.iCircle3DExternal simulation of interaction between a collection of masse and a circle
pmpd.iCylinder3DExternal simulation of interaction between a collection of masse and a cylinder
pmpd.iLine2DExternal simulation of interaction between a collection of masse and a line.
pmpd.iPlane3DExternal simulation of interaction between a collection of masse and a plane
pmpd.iSeg2DExternal simulation of interaction between a collection of masse and a segment.
pmpd.iSphere3DExternal simulation of interaction between a collection of masse and a Sphere
pmpd.linkExternal 1D link between masses.
pmpd.link2DExternal 2D link between 2D masses
pmpd.link3DExternal like the link2D but for 3D simulation
pmpd.massExternal 1D mass. This object's inlet need forces (float), and outlet it's position (float). All forces send to it's inlet are add together. A bang allow the mass to compute it's new position, and to output it. The mass can move due to it's inertia.
pmpd.mass2DExternal 2D mass.
pmpd.mass3DExternal 3D mass (a mass which can move in 3 dimension)
pmpd.tCircle2DExternal test object associated with iCircle2D
pmpd.tCircle3DExternal test object associated with iCircle3D
pmpd.tCube3DExternal This object should be used to test position of a specific mass.
pmpd.tCylinder3DExternal test object associated with iCylinder3D
pmpd.tLine2DExternal test object associated with iLine2D.
pmpd.tLink2DExternal get position of masses, output forces
pmpd.tLink3DExternal get position of 3D masses, output forces
pmpd.tPlane3DExternal test object associated with iPlane3D
pmpd.tSeg2DExternal test object associated with iSeg2D
pmpd.tSphere3DExternal test object associated with iSphere3D

PMPD Physical Modelling.
These objects provide real-time simulations, specially physical behaviors. pmpd can be used to create natural dynamic systems, like a bouncing ball, string movement, Brownian movement, chaos, fluid dynamics, sand, gravitation, and more.
With pmpd physical dynamics can be modelled without knowing the global equation of the movement. Only the cause of the movement and the involved structure are needed for the simulation. pmpd provides the basic objects for this kind of simulation. Assembling them allows the creation of a very large variety of dynamic systems .

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