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Home > Objects > C > cv.jit.moments > author : Jean-Marc Pelletier


Apart from returning centroids and mass, it outputs two lists of shape descriptors.

This is the most complicated and versatile object of this distribution. Apart from returning centroids and mass, it outputs two lists of shape descriptors. Moment-based shape analysis is based on the physics concept of moment of inertia. Since, in theory, these moments are unique to each shape, they have been used for a long time to perform tasks like optical character recognition. From the left-most outlet a list of seven moments comes out. These are cryptically labeled "m20, m02, m22, m21, m12, m30, and m03". The m here simply stands for moment, the two numbers following tell us how the particular value was calculated.
from the library :
Format : External
Environment : jitter / max / msp
Max 4.x


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