what :
Home > Objects > I > imp.dmx.artnetin > author : David Butler


"imp.dmx.artnetin receives DMX data broadcast using the Art-Net UDP networking protocol. It cannot receive data which is sent using the newer unicast mode. The first argument sets the Art-Net subnet (0-15) and the second the Art-Net universe (0-15).

When a packet is received, it is decoded, and sent out the left outlet as a list of ints. This can be directly connected to an imp.dmx.write object as a method by which to bring an external DMX source into jitter. Additional information about the received packet is sent out the right outlet.

NOTE: This abstraction uses an external java object. The .java and .class files for this object are included in the imp.dmx package. If this object cannot be found check the files are included in your search path.

NOTE FOR USING MULTIPLE COPIES OF THE OBJECT: The raw byte data received over UDP by imp.dmx.artnetin is sent via a Max send object using the name 'imp.dmx.artnetraw'. This is done to allow multiple copies of imp.dmx.artnetin to receive data. The first copy of the object to be created will bind to the port, and will then send data to all other copies, which will fail to bind."
from the library :
Format : Abstraction
Environment : jitter / max
Max 5.x


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