what :
Home > Objects > V > v.nor > author : David Rokeby


single stream: do a bit-wise NOR operation on each pixel's brightness dual stream: do a bit-wise NOR between the pixel brightnesses of two streams

single stream: do a bit-wise NOR operation on each pixel's brightness dual stream: do a bit-wise NOR between the pixel brightnesses of two streams In single stream mode, v.nor calculates the bitwise NOR of the each pixel of stream 1 and an integer. In dual stream mode, v.nor NORs each pixel in stream 1 with the corresponding pixel in stream 2. This is most useful when the two streams are the result of comparison objects (i.e. v.>) which output 0 or 255, meaning that the bit-wise NOR effectively operates as a logical NOR in that case.
from the library :
Format : External
Environment : jitter / max
Max 4.x


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