what :
Home > Objects > V > v.adapt > author : David Rokeby


single stream: sample (pass), adapt to or hold (freeze) the incoming stream. dual stream: sample (pass) adapt to or hold (freeze) individual pixels based on the values of the pixels in a second stream.

single stream: sample (pass), adapt to or hold (freeze) the incoming stream. dual stream: sample (pass) adapt to or hold (freeze) individual pixels based on the values of the pixels in a second stream. v.adapt passes the incoming stream when the input is 255 and holds a frame when the input is 0. In between, v.adapt adapts the output stream to the incoming values at a rate determined by the input. In single stream mode, the input is the int value received in the second inlet. In dual stream mode, the input is derived on a pixel by pixel basis from the pixels of a second stream. In single stream mode, if the v.adapt is currently 'holding', then bangs received in the first inlet grab and hold a new frame.
from the library :
Format : External
Environment : jitter / max
Max 4.x


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