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Home > Objects > U > unpackX > author : Stephen Kay


Enhanced “unpack” object,

Enhanced “unpack” object, with easier control of long lists, and the ability to prepend the same symbol before each item as it is output.  For example, to unpack a list of 120 items where the 45th and 47th are floats, you do not need to enter 120 items as arguments and make sure the proper ones are floats - simply type “unpackX 120” and the types of the input list stay the same on output. Furthermore, say you wanted the output of that 120 element unpack to “set” a bunch of UI objects. Simply type “unpackX 120 set”, and the word set will be prepended before each item as it is output.
from the library :
Format : External
Environment : max
Max 3.x / 4.x


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