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Home > Libraries > I > imp.dmx > author : David Butler



imp.dmx is a cross-platform collection of Max/MSP/Jitter abstractions for dealing with DMX data in various forms. It focuses around the use of jitter matrices to store data, which the objects then read and write to. The aim is to provide the bridge between your patch and whatever object or method you use to output DMX from Max. The abstractions use native Max objects only, excepting the Art-Net patches which use some custom java networking objects, included in the distribution package.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me at david@theimpersonalstereo.com.
Check for updates at http://www.theimpersonalstereo.com.
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imp.dmx.16to8 Abstraction "imp.dmx.16to8 converts a 16-bit value (0-65535) into two 8-bit values (0- 255), the MSB and LSB. This is useful when formatting data for fixtures that use fine control channels."

imp.dmx.8to16 Abstraction "imp.dmx.8to16 converts two 8-bit values (0-255), the MSB and LSB, into a 16- bit value (0-65535). This is useful when formatting DMX data from fixtures that use fine control channels."

imp.dmx.artnetin Abstraction "imp.dmx.artnetin receives DMX data broadcast using the Art-Net UDP networking protocol. It cannot receive data which is sent using the newer unicast mode. The first argument sets the Art-Net subnet (0-15) and the second the Art-Net universe (0-15).

imp.dmx.artnetout Abstraction "imp.dmx.artnetout broadcasts DMX data using the Art-Net UDP networking protocol. It cannot send data using the newer unicast mode. The first argument sets the Art-Net subnet (0-15) and the second the Art-Net universe (0-15).

imp.dmx.defix Abstraction imp.dmx takes a list of channel/value pairs (prefixed list) and outputs a full universe of DMX in a list of consecutive values by placing the received values in the outputted list at the location specified by their channel address.

imp.dmx.get Abstraction "imp.dmx.get gets the values of specific channels from a DMX Jitter matrix and outputs them as channel/value pairs. By connecting to a qmetro, it can be used to continuously lookup the values of certain channels rather than an entire matrix."

imp.dmx.prefix Abstraction "imp.dmx.prefix prefixes channel addresses to a list of DMX values. Argument is the address of the first channel. Useful for formatting data for the Enttec DMX USB Pro interface, which requires channel/value pairs."

imp.dmx.put Abstraction This patch is for writing the values of specific channels to a DMX Jitter matrix. A list of channels values is specified in the left inlet and a list of channel addresses is specified in the right.

imp.dmx.read Abstraction imp.dmx.read reads a list of consecutive values from a DMX jitter matrix. It can also output a list of values prefixed with channel addresses.

imp.dmx.rgbcmy Abstraction "imp.dmx.rgbcmy converts RGB values to CMY, or CMY values to RGB. In both cases, the process is simply inverting the values. CMY values are used to specify subtractive rather than additive colour mixing and are required for colour-values to send to moving

imp.dmx.write Abstraction imp.dmx.write writes a list of consecutive DMX values into a jitter matrix. The resulting matrix is outputted. The length of the inputted list determines the number of channel values written.

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