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St.amplePlay~ Abstraction Simplifies the creation of sample players.
Just feed it with the filename or full pathname of your sample, and a simple bang will trigger it. It does have an autoplay modus which will automatically trigger the sample after it has been loaded. The middle outlet is a signal going from 0. to 1. and the right outlet will bang when finished playing.
St.DblRoute Abstraction route anything to the middle outlet when it receives in a certain time (default 300 ms) otherwise it will send it to the left outlet.
St.end Abstraction A send with changeable destination.
But best of all, if a second parameter is set, it will send to this number of named objects when connected to thispatcher, or if the second parameter is a symbol it will compose the destination out of the two parameters.
St.opwatch Abstraction A stopwatch based on system time. It will continue even when set to sleep.
St.PresetRestore Abstraction A workaround for a bug in preset.
When you have saved presets already and add for example new numberboxes everything works as expected as long you do not reload the patch. When saving the patch and reloading it, there is a good chance, that your presets are lost or scrambled. The workaround is after you added new objects which could also be saved in the preset, you have to recall every preset and save it again. St.PresetRestore is just doing that it will recall every preset and save it again. You can specify a speed parameter in milliseconds to determine how long it should wait until calling the next preset. Default is 100 ms. St.PresetRestore will go through all 256 preset places no matter how many places are shown.
tap.bink~ External This is an alternative port of Miller Puckett\'s bonk~ object.
This is an alternative port of Miller Puckett\'s bonk~ object. This port was originally done by Ichiro Fujinaga in 1999 for Tim Place\'s piece Chinese Food II (for Chopsticks & Computer). When Max 4 came out he did some updating to get it working again, and then some additional work to make it (sort of) work with OS X.
tap.typecheck External sort by data type
Sorts the input based on data-type. Handy when building sub-patches or abstractions...
tap.typecheck~ External sort by data type
Sorts the input based on data-type. Handy when building sub-patches or abstractions...
tapout~ External Output from signal delay line
tapout~ outputs a delayed signal that was fed to tapin~. You connect a tapin~ object to one or more tapout~ objects. tapout~ has one or more inputs to specify delay time and a signal output for each input. You type an initial delay time argument in milliseconds for each input/output you want (maximum 64). If you connect a signal to a delay time input, a continuously variable delay algorithm is used that has the effect of transposing the original signal up when the delay time is gradually decreasing and transposing it down when the delay time is gradually increasing. If you connect a float to a delay time input, the output signal doesn't transpose but you may hear clicks when changing the delay time. In either case, the delay time is specified in milliseconds. If you're not going to change the delay time, just using a float to specify the delay time is much more efficient.
tcpClient atp Javaclass (mxj) communicate back and forth over a single persistent TCP/IP socket
A Max object written in java (using mxj) to communicate back and forth over a single persistent TCP/IP socket with a TCP/IP server, something the net.tcp objects that ship with Max can't do. Opens a socket, then sends and receives info without closing it. Closes the socket only when you tell it to, or when the server disconnects (ie from inactivity).

Useful for connecting to simple hardware network devices like EZ Web Lynx and other microcontrollers/DSPs that don't easily support something nicer like OSC, or any TCP Protocol that sends data back on the same socket.

Tested on MaxOS X 10.5 and Windows XP, Max/MSP 5.1.x

Developed by Arvid Tomayko-Peters for Your Heaven, LLC

Thanks to David Reilly for his TimedSocket class.
thresh External Combine numbers into a list, when received close together
Collects items into a list if they appear within a certain amount of time
threshold~ External Threshold~, when in its "lo" state, waits until the input signal exceeds the "hi" threshold value, and then bangs its left output.
thresh~ External Detect when input goes above a set value
Detect when input goes above a set value. The thresh~ object initially outputs a signal of 0. It outputs a signal of 1 when the input equal or greater than a set "high" threshold, until it goes below the reset or "low" threshold, at which point the 0 signal is output again. If the low and high thresholds are the same, a reset occurs when the signal is less than the threshold value. Otherwise, a reset occurs when the signal is less than or equal to the low threshold. The low and high thresholds can be specified as arguments, via floats in the middle and right inlets, or as signals in the middle and right inlets.
tiCmd External Interface between the timeline and its action patchers
The tiCmd object receives messages from the timeline and passes them to a patcher which is serving as an action. It is analogous to an inlet object (but note that inlet objects do not work with the timeline). It takes the following arguments: first, a message selector which is a symbol that serves to identify the tiCmd object. The selector is followed by any number of arguments that to specify the expected types in the message. Each type specifier argument produces an outlet in the tiCmd object. If a type in the message contained in the timeline is different than what is specified in the tiCmd object, tiCmd tries to convert it. If it doesn't exist, there will be no output at the corresponding outlet. In addition, there are two outlets which send the message bang, the leftmost (triggered after the argument outlets have fired) and the rightmost (triggered when time passes the right edge of the message box in the timeline track).
timefrac Abstraction Measures the fraction of the second in ms according to the system clock when a bang is received in its inlet.
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='139'Alain Bonardi
Isis Truck
When manipulating human knowledge such as perception, feelings, appreciation, veracity of facts, etc., the classical logic that recognize only two truth degrees (true or false) is not always the most suitable.

To solve this problem, more than two degrees are considered in the non-classical logics. The fuzzy logic is one of these logics.

In this logic, facts are represented through membership functions: when the membership value is equal to 1 the fact is exactly true; when it is equal to 0 the fact is exactly false; in between there is an uncertainty about the veracity of the fact.

These membership functions are called "fuzzy subsets". They can be of different shapes: gaussian, trapezoidal, triangular, etc.

Thus the aim of the fuzzy logic is to propose a theoretical framework for the manipulation - representation and reasoning - of such facts.

The Fuzzy Lib library implements all the tools that are necessary to handle this manipulation: representation of a fuzzy subset (among them are the fuzzification, defuzzification and partitioning), reasoning process (generalized modus ponens, fuzzy implications, t-norms, t-conorms, etc.).

This version 1 of the Fuzzy Lib enables to implement fuzzification, uncertain reasoning and defuzzification for any number of data in the framework of Max/MSP environment.

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