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rtcmix~ External encapsulates RTcmix, a digital synthesis, signal-processing and scripting/scheduling language
Version 1.8 (Max5) of the [rtcmix~] object is available for free


for Macintosh OS X (10.5/10.6). Windows 7 version coming soon!

New features in this release include a number of new 'instruments',
a dynamic envelope/control system to allow interactive modification
of instrument controls (PFields in RTcmix-parlance), and nice
tuning-system and numerical function packages by Joel Matthys.

For those who don't know, [rtcmix~] encapsulates the "musicN"-style sound
synthesis and signal processing language RTcmix within Max/MSP. RTcmix
includes a robust scheduler and large set of pre-compiled synthesis and
signal-processing instruments. It also comes with a functional-style
("C-like") programming interface for algorithmic compositional work as well
as data storage and mathematical operations. Full source for the object
and the language are also on-line.

Both Macintosh OSX and Windows XP versions (older) are available.

I hope you enjoy using it! For more information about RTcmix, visit
the RTcmix web page:


Brad Garton, Director
Columbia University Computer Music Center
RTGS Standalone Application Real-Time Granular Synth
rye Patch pluggo source code (tapout~ granular synthesis)
s2m.resFS1~ External A parametrically well behaved two pole filter. Center frequency and damping can be changed without producing discontinuities in the filter output.
s2m.resFS1~ implement a 2nd order digital resonator, using the method described by M. V. Mathews and J. O. Smith in their SMAC03 paper : "Methods for synthesizing very high Q parametrically well behaved two pole filters,". Center frequency and damping can be changed without discontinuities problems. See the help patch for details
sadam.addSynth~ External Additive synthesizer with time-dependent parameters.
Must be downloaded separately from the ZiMT's website: http://www.mdw.ac.at/zimt/downloads-e.html
sadam.fofSynth~ External Formant Synthesizer with time-dependent parameters.
sadam.simpleAddSynth~ External Additive synthesizer with constant parameters.
Must be downloaded separately from the ZiMT's website: http://www.mdw.ac.at/zimt/downloads-e.html
sadam.subSynth~ External Substractive synthesizer with time-dependent parameters.
Must be downloaded separately from the ZiMT's website: http://www.mdw.ac.at/zimt/downloads-e.html
sc.gendy1~ External An implementation of the dynamic stochastic synthesis generator conceived by Iannis Xenakis and described in Formalized Music
sc.gendy2~ External An implementation of the dynamic stochastic synthesis generator conceived by Iannis Xenakis and described in Formalized Music
sc.gendy3~ External An implementation of the dynamic stochastic synthesis generator conceived by Iannis Xenakis and described in Formalized Music
sc3~ External encapsulates/links to the SuperCollider 3 music programming language
I am releasing v 0.996 (Max5, OSX 10.5/6) of my [sc3~] object for
Max/MSP. This object acts as a bridge between Max/MSP and the
SuperCollider 3 language. The free download and information is
available here:


[sc3~] allows data and audio to be sent to/from the sclang and
scsynth processes, making it easy to integrate the SuperCollider 3
language into Max/MSP work. Multiple instantiations of the object
can exist in a single patcher, and SC3 scripts can be constructed
within Max/MSP or stored in the object's buffers for convenient
recall with a patch. Full source for the object and the modified
SuperCollider files are also available at the site. This syncs
the object with the latest stable release (SC3 v 3.4) of
SuperCollider 3.

I hope people find this useful -- Good luck, enjoy it! For more
information about SuperCollider 3, visit:


Brad Garton, Director
Columbia University Computer Music Center
scansynth~ External scansynth~ generates sound by scanning the shape of a circular string.
sdif.add-1~ External Additive synthesis by FFT-1 after Rodet/Depalle
using SDIF (based on the CNMAT SDIF-buffer external).
The FFT-1 algorithm allows for efficient additive synthesis especially when unsing a great number of partials.

The object performs resynthesis of analysis files in SDIF format (1TRC) and require the SDIF-buffer external from CNMAT : http://www.cnmat.berkeley.edu

Distribution/licence: IRCAM Forum
sdif.pagsemble~ External PAGS, pitch aligned granular synthesis of a voice group
The PAGS resynthesis objects where originally developed in jMax for a virtual choir in Philippe Manoury's opera K...
A first porting to Max/MSP was done by Serge Lemouton.

Both objects perform resynthesis of PSOLA analysis files in SDIF format (1PSO) containing markers with voiced/unvoiced parameters and require the SDIF-buffer external from CNMAT : http://www.cnmat.berkeley.edu.

Distribution/licence: IRCAM Forum
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='37' Sier This is small growing externals set for max msp jitter by cycling74.
ranges from utility objects to some 3d synthetic motion physics sonic undulation
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='156'Alessandro Petrolati Density/Pulsaret Ableton Live Integration Granular Synthesis
Digital Orchestra Toolbox
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='134'Joseph Malloch
The Digital Orchestra Toolbox is a collection of Max/MSP abstractions that we have found useful in creating gesture processing, mapping, and synthesis patches for digital musical instruments. Each patch is accompanied with a help patch to demonstrate its use.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='6'Eric Lyon
Christopher Penrose
FFTease is a collection of Max/MSP objects implementing various forms of spectral sound processing. These include an additive-synthesis phase vocoder, noise reduction, cross synthesis, and more unusual forms of spectral processing
Grain Tools
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='73'Marcel Wierckx a set of abstractions for performing various granular synthesis tricks. Released under the GNU General Public License.
Granular Toolkit
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='44'Nathan Wolek set of externals and abstractions developed using several granular synthesis concepts. Effects available in this download include pitch shifting, spatializing, \"clouds\", chord production and looping.
Litter Power Pro Package
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='54'Peter Castine The Litter Power package consists of over 60 external objects, including a number of new MSP noise sources, externals that produce values from a wide variety of random number distributions, and externals for mutation and cross-synthesis.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='16'Fredrik Olofsson seven abstractions that creates different kinds of envelopes. perfect for grain synthesis. including adsr, blackman, curve, gauss, hamming, hanning, trapezoid.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='5'Dan Trueman PeRColate is an open-source distribution of a variety of synthesis and signal processing algorithms for Max, MSP, and Nato. It is centered around a (partial) port of the Synthesis Toolkit (STK) by Perry Cook (Princeton) and Gary Scavone (Stanford CCRMA). Like the STK, it provides a fairly easy to use library of synthesis and signal processing functions (in C) that can be wired together to create conventional and unusual instruments. Also like the STK, it includes a variety of precompiled synthesis objects, including physical modeling, modal, and PhISM class instruments; the code for these instruments can serve as foundations for creating new instruments (one example, the blotar, is included) and can be used to teach elementary and advanced synthesis techniques. Given it's STK heritage and educational function, PeRColate is largely un-optimized, though all the objects run on a 80MHz 7100, which is pretty good. PeRColate also includes a number of objects not from the STK; some are from RTcmix and others are our own evil creations, designed to crash your computer, but only after making some kind of interesting sound or image.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='161'Pierre Guillot The pg.library is a collection of externals for Max 5 and Max 6. It includes a data, a msp and a fft library.
The Data library is a collection of externals for Max 5 and 6 that can be useful for the management, the transformation and the generation of data. The Dsp library is a collection of externals for Max 5 that allows you to pack/unpack signals and to adapt signals for the operations with packed signals. It includes a quasi-synchronous granlular synthesiser and chaotic signal generator. The FFT library is a collection of externals for Max 6 for spectral description and analysis of a signal.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='155'Alessandro Petrolati PulsaretM4L Ableton Live Integration Granular Synthesis
The sadam Library
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='154'Adam Siska The sadam Library is a set of free tools that I programmed for MaxMSP. Main topics covered by the externals are streaming & networking (TCP & UDP), complex data management (XML, compression, base64), sound analysis & synthesis and some basic but useful objects for Max & MSP.

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