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flute~ External flute physical model, STK, synthesis toolkit
FMShare Patch FMShare a simple, keyboard-controlled FM Synthesizer.
Gabor External multi-representation sound processing based on FTM
Gabor is a set of Max/MSP externals based on FTM providing a unified framework for signal processing using various signal models such as: *granular synthesis *FOF synthesis *PSOLA *resonance models *additive synthesis *other STDFT and correlation based techniques *etc. Gabor uses the FTM float matrices to represent grains, elementary waveforms, spectrums, spectral envelopes, sets of partials or any other set of coefficients.
gendynix~ External This external implements the Dynamic Stochastic Synthesis algorithm invented by Iannis Xenakis.
gen_paf~ Patch Phase aligned formant synthesis. gen~ version for paf~.
Phase aligned formant synthesis.
gen~ version for paf~ with interpolations etc. Slightly sounds better than a usual abstraction or the usual paf~. Slightly more cpu expensive than an abstraction though.
GLEETCHLAB 2.3 Standalone Application Realtime sound design and glitch music authoring suite
Gleetchlab is a stand-alone software for glitch music authoring and sound design. Gleetchlab is a modular software designed for realtime sound manipulation.
Features include convolution, granular resynthesis, spectral filtering, loop points manipulation, CD skip and wow & flutter simulation, vst plugins hosting, webcam controllers.
GLEETCHLAB 3 Standalone Application A realtime modular composition and processing software for sound design and experimental music like glitch, IDM, electroacustic, ambient...
Gleetchlab 3 is a modular software designed to process audio files and live sound sources in realtime.

Unlike many music softwares, gleetchlab does not use a "timeline", instead you can process and record sound as it plays and quckly store every parameter into ten
easy-to-recall temporary presets.

You can manipulate samples with random loop points, alterate speed and direction of playing without limits, pencil-edit waveforms and use the internal DSPs such as convolution, feedback generator, granular re-synthesis, waveshaping distortion, spectral filtering, wow simulation, dynamic reverberation and your own VST plugins.

Also you can record and re-record endlessly each processed sound into the 6 stereo loopers or manipulate sources coming from your soundcard and last but not least, use a quadriphonic suround mixer/recorder.

Price 10.69€

Changes in V3

- Complete software redesign

- MIDI Implementation

- New DSPs

- Quadriphonic mixing and recording

- Parameters recall
gl_ruttetra External rutt/etra synthesizer emulation: mono-channel matrix to surface
rutt/etra synthesizer emulation: mono-channel matrix to surface
grain.bang~ External granular synthesis - Outputs a single grain when a bang is received.
Bangs only trigger a grain output if no grain is currently being output.
grain.phase~ External granular synthesis - Outputs a stream of grains with the window controled by a phasor object.
Allows phase relationships between muliple objects to be controlled better than with 'grain.stream~'.
grain.pulse~ External granular synthesis - Outputs a single grain when it detects a pulse from a 'train~' object.
Outputs a single grain when it detects a pulse from a 'train~' object. Allows a higher density of grains to sound than with 'grain.bang~' because it does not rely of the scheduler.
grain.stream~ External granular synthesis - Outputs a stream of grains
Outputs a stream of grains at the frequency set by the leftmost inlet. Frequency is expressed in Hertz.
grainbuffer~ External grainbuffer~ is a MSP granular synthesis object that exploits the buffer~ object built into the Max/MSP environment.
grainbuffer~ is a flexible tool that allows independent control over the buffer and the grain creation. For example, users can set the rate at which the grains read from the buffer independent of their dispersion or duration. Also, loop points in the buffer can be set, allowing the user to decide which portion of the buffer will be granulated. In addition, the buffer read point can be randomized. This randomization produces various effects ranging from a 'blurring' effect to that of total randomness of grain sources.

The lastest version of grainbuffer~ is 64-bit and now features multichannel output with up to 32 channels of spatialized grains.

All parameters can be randomized. Randomizable features include the frequency, amplitude, pan position, duration and dispersion (distance between grain start times). The randomness of each of these parameters is set by a range indicating an upper and a lower limit. If the limits are set the same then the grainbuffer~ will only generate single value for that parameter.

Finally, the user can select the type of envelope. Envelope types include, sine, linear, exponential, trapezoid, parabolic, percussive, evissucrep (backwards percussive), and, of course, random, which chooses a new grain envelope randomly for each individual grain.
gran.groove.file~ Abstraction like groove~ object, with independent pitch and playback speed (granular synthesis)
This abstraction will loop a sound file similar to the groove~ object. However, since it uses granular synthesis the pitch and playback speed are independent of one another.
gran.play.file~ Abstraction granular synthesis, similar to the play~ object
This abstraction will access a sound file similar to the play~ object. It creates a new inlet for controlling the sample offset of the grains.
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='37' Sier This is small growing externals set for max msp jitter by cycling74.
ranges from utility objects to some 3d synthetic motion physics sonic undulation
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='156'Alessandro Petrolati Density/Pulsaret Ableton Live Integration Granular Synthesis
Digital Orchestra Toolbox
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='134'Joseph Malloch
The Digital Orchestra Toolbox is a collection of Max/MSP abstractions that we have found useful in creating gesture processing, mapping, and synthesis patches for digital musical instruments. Each patch is accompanied with a help patch to demonstrate its use.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='6'Eric Lyon
Christopher Penrose
FFTease is a collection of Max/MSP objects implementing various forms of spectral sound processing. These include an additive-synthesis phase vocoder, noise reduction, cross synthesis, and more unusual forms of spectral processing
Grain Tools
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='73'Marcel Wierckx a set of abstractions for performing various granular synthesis tricks. Released under the GNU General Public License.
Granular Toolkit
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='44'Nathan Wolek set of externals and abstractions developed using several granular synthesis concepts. Effects available in this download include pitch shifting, spatializing, \"clouds\", chord production and looping.
Litter Power Pro Package
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='54'Peter Castine The Litter Power package consists of over 60 external objects, including a number of new MSP noise sources, externals that produce values from a wide variety of random number distributions, and externals for mutation and cross-synthesis.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='16'Fredrik Olofsson seven abstractions that creates different kinds of envelopes. perfect for grain synthesis. including adsr, blackman, curve, gauss, hamming, hanning, trapezoid.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='5'Dan Trueman PeRColate is an open-source distribution of a variety of synthesis and signal processing algorithms for Max, MSP, and Nato. It is centered around a (partial) port of the Synthesis Toolkit (STK) by Perry Cook (Princeton) and Gary Scavone (Stanford CCRMA). Like the STK, it provides a fairly easy to use library of synthesis and signal processing functions (in C) that can be wired together to create conventional and unusual instruments. Also like the STK, it includes a variety of precompiled synthesis objects, including physical modeling, modal, and PhISM class instruments; the code for these instruments can serve as foundations for creating new instruments (one example, the blotar, is included) and can be used to teach elementary and advanced synthesis techniques. Given it's STK heritage and educational function, PeRColate is largely un-optimized, though all the objects run on a 80MHz 7100, which is pretty good. PeRColate also includes a number of objects not from the STK; some are from RTcmix and others are our own evil creations, designed to crash your computer, but only after making some kind of interesting sound or image.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='161'Pierre Guillot The pg.library is a collection of externals for Max 5 and Max 6. It includes a data, a msp and a fft library.
The Data library is a collection of externals for Max 5 and 6 that can be useful for the management, the transformation and the generation of data. The Dsp library is a collection of externals for Max 5 that allows you to pack/unpack signals and to adapt signals for the operations with packed signals. It includes a quasi-synchronous granlular synthesiser and chaotic signal generator. The FFT library is a collection of externals for Max 6 for spectral description and analysis of a signal.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='155'Alessandro Petrolati PulsaretM4L Ableton Live Integration Granular Synthesis
The sadam Library
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='154'Adam Siska The sadam Library is a set of free tools that I programmed for MaxMSP. Main topics covered by the externals are streaming & networking (TCP & UDP), complex data management (XML, compression, base64), sound analysis & synthesis and some basic but useful objects for Max & MSP.

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