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ambicube~ External ambicube~ is a 3-dimensional version of ambipan~.
ambicube~ is a flexible MaxMSP and Pure Data external object providing surround panning for sound sources in multi-loudspeakers environments thanks to Ambisonic techniques. It is possible to use both signal and control data to feed the object, to switch dynamically between several setups (number and position of loudspeakers). It is also possible to use either polar or Cartesian coordinates.
ambipan~ External provides surround panning for sound sources in multi-loudspeakers environments thanks to Ambisonic techniques
It is possible to use both signal and control data to feed the object, to switch dynamically between several setups (number and position of loudspeakers). It is also possible to use either polar or Cartesian coordinates.
cv.jit.threshold External Adaptive thresholding.
Uneven illumination is often a problem when thresholding an image. Adaptive thresholding addresses this issue by adjusting the threshold based on the brightness of an area surrounding each pixel.
jit.sprinkle External Introduce spatial noise
The jit.sprinkle object uses a specified probability to determine the chance that a given matrix cell will be displaced by a random amount along the horizontal or vertical axes. The result is a noisy "cloud" of data surrounding the original cell values.
msg.surround~ External msg.surround~ 4 channel surround panning
msg.surround~ is a very simple 4 channel surround panning external for Max/MSP.
och.dobrian.quadpan~ Module simple quadpan~ enabled m4l device.
this guy uses the left channel only to spatialize, so you may want to use a utility like the one I provided in the zip folder here.
honestly, surround panner is much better than my implementation, but if you
simple quadpan~ enabled m4l device.
this guy uses the left channel only to spatialize, so you may want to use a utility like the one I provided in the zip folder here.
honestly, surround panner is much better than my implementation, but if you want something really quick and easy, this is great.
v.displace External v.displace displaces the input stream based on the brightnesses of the pixels of the second stream.
v.displace displaces the input stream based on the brightnesses of the pixels of the second stream. For each pixel, v.displace scales the stream 2 brightness by the horizontal and vertical scales, then calculates which pixel in stream 1 is offset by the horizontal and vertical amount, then calculates the output pixel value from a scaled sum of the 4 stream 1 pixels surrounding the offset pixel. This results in a fairly smooth, antialiased displacement as long as the scales are not too large or the stream 1 image not too contrasty.
vbapan~ External providing surround panning for sound sources in multi-loudspeakers environments using Vector-Based Amplitude Panning (VBAP)
It is possible to use both signal and control data to feed the object, to switch dynamically between several setups (number and position of loudspeakers). It is also possible to use either polar or Cartesian coordinates.
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ICST Ambisonics
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='91' Jasch
Philippe Kocher
Externals for Ambisonics surround sound processing.

4855 objects and 135 libraries within the database Last entries : December 23rd, 2023 Last comments : 0 0 visitor and 58657770 members connected RSS
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