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map1d External map1d maps its input to a one of a sequence of ranges and returns the set of values associated with the range.
map2d External map2d maps its input to a one of a sequence of ranges and returns the set of values associated with the range.
map3d External map3d maps its input to a one of a sequence of ranges and returns the set of values associated with the range
markov-harmony Abstraction pitch generator
An sequence of intervals that is generated by a one-dimensional markov chain. The transition probabilities of the intervals have to be sent to the right-most inlet following the conventions of the "prob"-object. The desired start interval must be sent to the middle inlet. A bang in the left inlet outputs one chosen interval.
mchain Abstraction re-interprets numerical sequence according to Markov chain principle
bang re-interprets numerical sequence according to Markov chain principle (a temporary loop is automatically inserted between the last and first notes played)
MetroSeq Javaclass (mxj) allows you you to specify a time division per metro tick.
Rythm generator
MicroSeq Abstraction micro sequencer with ocurence and note lits
MiddleMarch Patch a basic looper/drum sequencer
MMS (MultiMedia Sequencer) Patch MMS is a multimedia sequencer developped to work with the GLUION sensor interface.
It allows you to control and synchronize events of the three following types :
- Light (continuous by DMX/Dimmers and/or on/off (0|1)
- Video with one beamer per machine
- Sound on 6 audio outputs

Documentation now available in english
MMS is in beta version, it's distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL.
Max-MSP 4.6 minimum !!
mtr External Multi-track sequencer / recorder
Multi-track recorder for any kind of message
mw_stepsallad External A simple, creative stepsequencer. Input list of integers/rhythm-eights/numbers, and let the stepsallad step through the list.
From the help file:

Arguments: a list of integers to set how long the steps in the sequence should be;
inlet: bang to step, set n to set sequence steps;
left outlet: bang at start of every step;
middle outlet: bang at pause steps;
right outlet: bang to indicate that sequence restarts;
Available for Max/MSP in OSX, in two versions, one for PowerPC and one for Intel machines.
A version for Max/MSP in MS Windows should be here soon.
och.score Abstraction a simple note sequence display in staff notation.
a simple note sequence display in staff notation.
operand Standalone Application with the rise of granular synthesis becoming more and more popular, either being with synthesizers or sample manglers. the one thing i have not seen of it, is step sequencers, none at all.
this is where operand comes in.
• drag and drop sample folders [aiff/wav/mp3].
• effects [stereo filters, multitap stereo delay, stereo reverb and stereo stutter. [updated]
• stereo audio/effect matrix. [new]
• colour coded filter, stutter, delay and reverb step effect grids. [new]
• store/recall setting for pitch, duration and panning. [new]
• key controls [sample channel hits with keyboard, tap tempo].
• random pitch/pan/duration.
• global and dedicated step/clock controls. [updated]
• external audio recording.
• plus much more.
pfsm External pfsm is an implementation of a Finite State Machine, with probabilistic transitions.
pfsm is an implementation of a Finite State Machine, with probabilistic transitions. Hence, Probabilistic Finite State Machine, or PFSM. It processes a sequence of messages against a state file, generating output as guided by the state transitions triggered by the input.
plusequals (+=) External plusequals (+=) is the C accumulation object. More convenient than the accum object, because it manages lists and avoid to use three objects to do the same work. V.2 is now universal binary.
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='166'Adrian Gierakowski The ag.granular.suite is a collection of Max/MSP patches for generalised granular sound processing and microsound composition written using FTM/Gabor libraries (developed at IRCAM) and encapsulated as Jamoma modules. Main features include: subsample accurate scheduling, multichannel output, granulation of multiple soundfiles at the same time (with interpolation of two sources per grain), parameter randomisation and sequencing, control via OSC, preset management, preset interpolation. Its modular architecture makes it possible to easily extend it with new algorithms for grain scheduling and parameter control.
ajm objects
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='129'Adam Murray Sequencing, scripting, and more for Max/MSP.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='82' Dspaudio, Inc. Sequencing, Recording and Interface Building for Max/MSP
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='88' Ircam Two externals performing score following on soloist performances using Hidden Markov Models (HMM)
Suivi is based on FTM and requires the shared library FTMlib for Max/MSP. Both externals use an FTM track object - a sequence of time-tagged FTM values - to store the score of the soloist performance to be followed. Notes, trills and other elements of the score are represented by FTM score objects (FTM scoob class). For the moment, scores can be imported from standard MIDI files only.
An editor for the FTM track class, which will also provide a graphical control interface for the score follower is under development as well as the import of MusicXML files.
The suivi object set is distributed within the IRCAM Forum.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='144'Tom Mays
Olivier Pfeiffer
Renaud Rubiano
tapemovie is a modular software environment for controlling, processing, and analyzing various media in realtime (sound, video, 3D, lighting). It has stood the test of numerous productions since 2007, for theater, dance, concert performance and installation - enabling precise control and sequencing of media and their interactions while at the same time allowing connections with multiple peripheral controllers and interfaces. It is programmed with Max/MSP/Jitter and exists as a standalone application (free download), as well as in patch version for advanced users.

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