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Lperc External An object to play notes with velocity and duration preset according to pitch.
An object to play notes with velocity and duration preset according to pitch. This object is designed to control synthesizer patches that feature different sounds on each pitch.
m.int Abstraction interpolator for m.storage
interpolator for m.storage
recall data interpolated between two non-adjacent presets
needs m.storage
Mixer8x8 Patch Audio Mixer - mixes 8 inputs to 8 outputs. Includes VST plug-in support, panner, volume fader and preset support.
Audio Mixer - mixes 8 inputs to 8 outputs. Includes VST plug-in support, panner, volume fader and preset support.
modal_fuzzharm External The modal_fuzzharm object outputs a fuzzy logic chord harmonization based on incoming pitch classes. a.k.a. an auto-chord harmonizer.

created by V.J. Manzo
The modal_fuzzharm object outputs a fuzzy logic chord harmonization based on incoming pitch classes. The object integrates with several objects in the modal_object library including the modal_pc_match object to determine if the incoming note played is diatonic or chromatic and that notes relationship in the context of the specified tonic and mode. For example, is the incoming note scale degree 1? Is it chromatic scale degree #4? If so, how do we want to harmonize that note when we receive it?
Double clicking the modal_fuzzharm object allows a user to see a table of chord symbols that the modal_triad object can interpret. The user can increase the probability weight to the table by clicking on one of the cells in the column for the desired chord/function listed in the top row. By default, all probabilities are set to zero. For example, if the incoming note matches scale degree one, you’d probably want to harmonize that note with the I chord, the IV chord and the vi chord since that scale degree one is present in all of these chords. Other chords may be used to harmonize that note as well, but you’d probably want the object to choose some chords more frequently than others, so we give them a higher table weight by clicking further down on the cells.
A bang sent to the modal_fuzzharm object will choose one of the chords to harmonize that note with based on the weightings you’ve specified. The table can be opened and presets can be saved. In the help file for this object, the seven diatonic scale degrees all have modal_fuzzharm objects connected so that when one of these scale degrees is played, the note will be harmonized in any way the user specifies. A specified table file has been loaded for each modal_fuzzharm object when the help opens which illustrates some default probability settings that harmonize these notes with diatonic chord functions.

created by V.J. Manzo

www.vjmanzo.com | www.vincemanzo.com
mp.assignment Abstraction Connect any input device to this bpatcher and assign it to any parameter. Works with HID, Midi, ASCI keyboard and lists.
mp.assignment is a fiddly little bpatcher that allows you to connect any input device and assign it to whatever you like. Because it is tied into the pattrstorage system, the assignment can change dynamically. This means a parameter in max can be controlled by any input device and this can change during performance or if you have different input devices available on different occasions, or if you decide you don't like the mapping you originally designed, you don't need to edit the patch just make a new preset for it.
Multiple Module Coll Memory System Patch An example patcher (tutorial) showing a system for collecting the data from many UI objects in different patchers or bpatchers (“Multiple Modules“) into a single coll file as a program of several lines.
An example patcher (tutorial) showing a system for collecting the data from many UI objects in different patchers or bpatchers (“Multiple Modules“) into a single coll file as a program of several lines. Each program can have a name, which appears in a popup menu of all the names for various programs. Programs may be saved, cleared, or entered, sending the various stored values for display in the correct UI objects in the various modules. The entire master coll file can be written to or read from disk, thereby allowing the user to save a complete “bank” of programs. Unlike use of the preset object, your data file can be edited as text, and adding/removing UI objects from the modules as your application grows is far easier than trying to do that with a preset object (which usually stops working after awhile).
p.storage Abstraction p.storage is a Max/MSP abstraction that accompanies the pattrstorage object. It provides a simple interface to pattrstorage and enables easy storing, recalling, inserting, replacing, locking and deleting of presets within your patch.
p.storage is a Max/MSP abstraction that accompanies the pattrstorage object. It provides a simple interface to pattrstorage and enables easy storing, recalling, inserting, replacing, locking and deleting of presets within your patch.
p.storage 5 Abstraction p.storage for max 5 - communicate with pattrstorage
p.storage for max 5 - communicate with pattrstorage

• store, replace, insert, delete, copy, and move presets;
• change the locked status of presets;
• change the active settings for pattrs;
• edit preset names;
• edit aliases;
• search and locate pattrs using aliases or pathnames;
• search for presets;
• manage subscription lists;
• oh, and three groovy interface options!
pattrstorage External Save and recall presets of pattr data.
pattr_ui.js Javascript (jsui) jsui for pattrstorage that looks and behaves like the old "preset" ui object.
* Shift-click to store
* Click to recall
* Double-click for storage window
* Click-drag (horizontally) to interpolate between neighboring presets.
* resize to change number of visible slots.
plugmorph External Set plug-ins with presets created by morphing between other presets (pluggo)
Set plug-ins with presets created by morphing between other presets
preset External Store and recall settings of objects
Store and recall the settings of other objects
preset storage patch Patch lets you store settings from all your sub- or bpatchers in one handy location. It can handle ints, floats and symbols as well as lists.
Rockband Drum Midi Interface Patch This patch makes it so that you can just plug your rockband drum controller into your computer via usb and send the midi messages over the IAC Bus or Midi Yoke to whatever midi supported drum machine ( or softsynth or sampler ) you wish to play.
Change the number boxes at the bottom of the patch to change the notes which are output, save the note output configurations with the preset object to the right by holding shift and clicking the dot once you have a midi configuration that you like.

1 comment

Simple FM Synth Patch A simple FM synthesize patch
First off, I should mention that the name is a bit of a misnomer. There are really two layers, the titular simple FM layer, and a subtractive synth layer. Simple FM Synth is nothing fancy, but I think it sounds pretty good, for what it is. This patch started off as a basic sound source to enable me to work on the Gyre program that I use with my Buchla 200e, when I was not near my Buchla.

There are two main patches of interest, Simple_FM_Synth.maxpat, and Simple_FM_Synth_Test.maxpat. Simple_FM_Synth is what you'll use in your patches, and Simple_FM_Synth_Test is an example of ways to use it. Simple_FM_Synth_Test has a simple note generator that plays randomish notes so that you can start it playing, and then mess with the parameters of Simple_FM_Synth itself.

The FM section is a simple two-operator stack, nothing fancy here. There are a couple redundant ways to set the relationship of the FM carrier and FM modulator.

The Subtractive section consists of two oscillators, one square/pw, and one sawtooth, mixed into a filter. Even though the poly~ patch "FMSynthVox.maxpat", as delivered, uses svf~, the presets were written using 2up_svf~ instead. 2up_svf~ sounds better than the stock svf~, in my opinion, but it is only available for the Mac, so I used the stock object for this distribution. The presets are somewhat different sounding with the stock svf~. If you are on a Mac, I highly recommend grabbing 2up_svf~ from here, and editing FMSynthVox to use it.

Chris Muir
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='166'Adrian Gierakowski The ag.granular.suite is a collection of Max/MSP patches for generalised granular sound processing and microsound composition written using FTM/Gabor libraries (developed at IRCAM) and encapsulated as Jamoma modules. Main features include: subsample accurate scheduling, multichannel output, granulation of multiple soundfiles at the same time (with interpolation of two sources per grain), parameter randomisation and sequencing, control via OSC, preset management, preset interpolation. Its modular architecture makes it possible to easily extend it with new algorithms for grain scheduling and parameter control.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='97'Oli Larkin int.lib is a set of abstractions/javascripts that lets you interpolate between different presets by navigating a 2D graphical environment. It's similar in concept to the Audiomulch Metasurface, Color blobs and the Hipnoscope but implements a gravitational system, allowing you to represent presets with variable sized balls. As you move around the space, the size of the balls and their proximity to the mouse cursor affects the weight of each preset in the interpolated output.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='123' Pelado the p.jit.gl tools are designed to provide for easier learning of and experimenting with the many attributes that are available to jitter's gl objects by making them a whole lot more transparent and accessible. patches expose jitter gl object's attributes to interfaces that allow you to immediately edit and change an attribute's value. many of the parameters are attached to blines, which provide smooth changes while rendering, and all settings can be saved and recalled as presets using the pattrs that are embedded in the patches.

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