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tp.parle External tp.parle is a Max6 object that provides an easy way for speech synthesis in any language.
- speech synthesis in any language,
- speak to audio output or to a file,
- read special characters and accented letters (à, œ, é, ê, ë, ....),
- speak normal or litteral,
- set speed, pitch, pitch modulation, volume,
- auto-detect available voices,
- stop, pause, continue,
Trajaudioapp Patch modular panning patch
This patch allows you to pan a soundfile and/or input in up to eight channels using the trajectory object (by JB Thiebaut), math by Yves Gigon and the rest by Carey Dodge, 2005 (soundscape 'at' fastmail.fm). The virtual speaker placement is in a clockwise formation evenly spaced in a circle (except for 1 and 2 channel panning). Channel 1 is always at the top of the circle, however output channels can be remapped. This is a completely modular panning patch. You can run multiple patches simultaneously without conflict. Email me if you want to get in behind the patch. I would like to add a doppler effect soon.
triangle~ External triangle~ is a triangle/ramp wavetable with signal input to change phase offset of the peak value.
triangle~ is a triangle/ramp wavetable with signal input to change phase offset of the peak value. The default lo/hi points are -1. and 1., but may be changed using the lo/hi messages.
vbap External to pan sound signals to any loudspeaker configurations
vbapan~ External providing surround panning for sound sources in multi-loudspeakers environments using Vector-Based Amplitude Panning (VBAP)
It is possible to use both signal and control data to feed the object, to switch dynamically between several setups (number and position of loudspeakers). It is also possible to use either polar or Cartesian coordinates.
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Ambisonic externals
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='89'Graham Wakefield Max/MSP externals for Ambisonic encoding, rotating and decoding up to 3rd order for two or three dimensional speaker arrays.

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