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pattrforward External send any message to a named object anywhere in the patcher hierarchy
pattrhub External Access all of the pattr objects in a patcher.
pattrstorage External Save and recall presets of pattr data.
pattr_ui.js Javascript (jsui) jsui for pattrstorage that looks and behaves like the old "preset" ui object.
* Shift-click to store
* Click to recall
* Double-click for storage window
* Click-drag (horizontally) to interpolate between neighboring presets.
* resize to change number of visible slots.
St.PresetAid Abstraction an oldstyle preset user interface, but wraps it around the new pattr system.
timeline.js Javascript (jsui) The timeline is a graphical jsui object in a bpatcher which allows the graphical arrangement of events in time. These events can be edited with the mouse or with messages to the left inlet.
The messages are sent to a reference coll each time they a
Timeline.js works in conjunction with the "timelineBP.maxpat" bpatcher.
All operations are carried out in this bpatcher and
all timeline events are written to a coll inside the bpatcher.

The timeline does not sequence any events.
All it does is to provide a GUI which lets you create and edit events. These events are then written to a coll inside the timeline bpatcher. There's no fixed project length, you can add as many events in a time span as you wish--you just have to set the offset accordingly to see them (use the length message).
The same applies to the number of rows. They are not limited, just select the correct row offset (use the depth message).

There are currently two shortcuts:
"Backspace" will delete the selected elements
"i" will open the inspector for the selected event
Shortcuts only work if mouse is over the timeline-object!

The inspector will let you edit events. If used in conjuction with a pattrstorage, the inspector will grab a pattrstorage client list and display it in a menu.
tl.qraphiqEQ~ Abstraction 1/3 Octave Graphical Equalizer
Use as object or bpatcher. pattr-aware
tl.vst.helper Abstraction GUI helper for vst~.
Incorporates common messages (plug, bypass, etc.), a simple way of polling and dumping all parameters for storage in embedded coll file, pattr implementation as list of all parameters (max 256) and reporting changes to single parameters.
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='164'Evgeniy Chernyy
Alexei Oleinikov
dev.pattr library — is a set of externals, targeted to creating realtime/interactive computer music.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='121'Joseph Branciforte A set of 50 abstractions for performing both common and awkward tasks in Max/MSP. Categories include control, data, list processing, numbers, pattr-family, statistics, strings, and user-interface. Most perform multiple related functions and are unbiased as to data type where possible. Additionally, the download contains help files.

debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='123' Pelado the p.jit.gl tools are designed to provide for easier learning of and experimenting with the many attributes that are available to jitter's gl objects by making them a whole lot more transparent and accessible. patches expose jitter gl object's attributes to interfaces that allow you to immediately edit and change an attribute's value. many of the parameters are attached to blines, which provide smooth changes while rendering, and all settings can be saved and recalled as presets using the pattrs that are embedded in the patches.

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