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afterglow.max.NextFrame Javaclass (mxj) Prepare for a light show frame
Sends information about when Afterglow is next going to generate control values for the lights, allowing patchers to set up appropriate context, such as adjusting cue variables to be used in creating the frame. Also can be used to start or stop the light show by sending start and stop messages to its inlet.
au~ External Finally, you can run and control Audio Units from within MaxMSP. Requires MaxMSP 4.6.
This external operates in a similar fashion to the vst~ object, allowing you to process any MSP audio stream with any installed Audio Unit, and control any of its parameters with any other Max object. The external is still in beta, so expect the occasional crash. Probably best to avoid using it in performance for the time being, but hopefully any lingering gremlins are sorted out in the next few months.
ceil External next higher integer from float
cycle External Send successive numbers / stream of data to successive outlets cyclically
cycle takes two (optional) arguments. The first specifies how many outlets the object has (which can be arbitrarily large), and the second, if non-zero, uses a mode where separate "events" always restart at outlet 0. The default mode is to cycle through all the outlets. A separate event is one in which a different action triggers the next input. numbers which arrive from dumps from objects like table and coll are considered to belong to a single event.
Deal External returns random integers within a specified range.
All numbers in the range are used before any is repeated. This is similar to the urn object introduced in Max 2.2. A single argument sets the range. If the argument is omitted the default size of 128 is used. The second inlet can also be used to set the range. The range must be at least 1. Anything less causes Deal to set the deck size to 1. Changing the value at the second inlet causes the "deck" to be "shuffled." You can also shuffle the deck by sending a "shuffle" message to inlet 1. A bang at inlet 1 causes output of the next "card." Use Uzi to deal multiple cards.
floor External next lower integer fron float
gain~ External Logarithmic fader for signals
Logarithmic fader for signals. gain~ is a slider that scales signals. It can also make a smooth transition as you move from one value of the slider to the next. Parameters of line's formula that translates between slider values and the signal scalar can be changed via messages or by selecting the object and choosing Get InfoÉ from the Max menu. The formula values are the same as for the linedrive object.
gak External genetic algorithm kit
the genetic algorithm toolkit is meant to be a quick way to incorporate genetic algorithms into max projects. you can either create the child's genetic material yourself (manually or randomly), or pass two parent sequences (in the form of a max list) to the gak object. you can then select how you'd like to manipulate this genetic material from a variety of processes (crossover, reverse, shift, transposition & increment/decrement) yourself, or allow the gak to make the decisions for you.

note that if you don't pass new parent sequences (or randomly/manually generate a child sequence) the next time around, the new parents will both be clones of the child. also note that gak only creates one child, but you can hook up a bunch of them if you really want a gaggle of children. then it's up to you to select which one you like best for the next generation.

many thanks to anthony palomba for the windows port.
gate~ External Switch input to different output signals
Switch input to different output signals. The gate~ object is a version of the Max gate object for signals. It takes an argument for number of outputs (one is the default) and lets you route an incoming signal by sending an int to its left inlet. If there is more than one input, gate~ shuts off all outputs except the one you select, where 1 selects the left outlet, 2 selects the next one to the right, etc. gate~ can also control the activation or deactivation of part of a signal processing network. For an example, see the begin~ help file. Note: "shutting off" a signal means disconnecting it from a gate~ output and outputting a zero signal instead. This is different from the behavior of the Max gate object.
GlitchFilter Patch Filters out monophonic notes shorter than a threshold time
Filters out monophonic notes shorter than a threshold time. GlitchFilter assumes a monophonic stream of notes, where each note off arrives before the next note on. There is a delay equal to the threshold time before each note is output.
interpianac External Historic : Port of interpianac from the NeXt Max version.
interpianac is doing an interpolation between partial frames right after a 'iana~' analysis. The interpolation is done with frequencies that are the closest and not their index.
jb.block Abstraction block the next n items from an input stream
jit.demultiplex External Demultiplex (deinterleave) a single matrix into two matrices
The jit.demultiplex object takes a single matrix as input, and derives two output matrices from it by demultiplexing across a specified dimension. Specifically, the object takes a set of scanlines across the input matrix, placing these into the first output matrix, and then takes the next set of scanlines, placing those into the second output matrix, alternating between the two until the input matrix's data is exhausted.
jit.roy External Convert image to halftone image
The jit.roy object is a halftone screen emulator. It takes an input matrix and splits it into a grid. Each element in the grid is then replaced by regions of a second matrix based on the mean value of each slot in the grid. The second matrix (which defines the halftone screen) is a series of submatrices set next to one another along a horizontal axis. These matrices replace regions of the first matrix in ascending order.
lp.ppp~ External Popcorn (dust) noise
This noise generator, known variously as popcorn or dust noise, generates exponentially distributed pulses of varying amplitude and pulse width. It resembles kinds of noise frequently found in telecommunications lines and sometimes in radio broadcast. Curiously, in most naturally occurring circumstances, the pulses are all of the same sign, either positive or negative. The lp.ppp~ object supports both, as well as a symmetrical variant in which positive and negative pulses are mixed at random. When the density of pops becomes high and pulse width also increases, it becomes possible for pops to overlap. The current implementation makes no provision for overlapping pops; one pop must be completed (i.e., the signal must return to 0) before the next one can begin. Thus, the actual frequency of pops may fall slightly underneath the specified mean.
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