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dot.midiout Abstraction Helper for quickly configuring MIDI output.
lh_midiout External get any midi data out of a max4live device
midiout External Sent integers as raw MIDI data
Transmit raw MIDI data
plugmidiout External Send MIDI messages to a plug-in host (pluggo)
plugmidiout accepts raw MIDI bytes (like midiout) and sends them to the plug-in host. What happens to them after that is up to the host.
St.MidiOutport Abstraction Like omsinfo this abstraction will feed with its left outlet a menu with the names of Midi devices but it will also set it to the name which is set as parameter.
You do not have to know the complete name it will take also any part of it (I never know how Quicktime Musical Instruments is spelled inside OMS and I don't want to type in those lengthy names which might be there anyway)
St.OMSOutput Abstraction Like omsinfo this abstraction will feed with its left outlet a menu with the names of oms devices but it will also set it to the name which is set as parameter.
This is obsolete now and can be replaced by St.MidiOutport (OMS died with OS 9) It still works though and is kept for compatibility reasons
xbendout External Format extra precision MIDI pitch bend messages
The bendout object only changes the most significant byte of the pitch bend message. However, using xbendout with midiout, you can send messages which change both bytes.
xbendout2 External Format extra precision MIDI pitch bend messages
The bendout object only changes the most significant byte of the pitch bend message. However, using xbendout with midiout, you can send messages which change both bytes.
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