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jb.strjoin Abstraction join two strings
jit.openni External Max Jitter external for OpenNI middleware, supports Kinect and any other OpenNI compliant device
Rich support of OpenNI features using devices like Kinect. Currently supports:

* Configuration of OpenNI by an OpenNI XML configuration file; see OpenNI documentation for format
* ImageMap image output of RGB24 output in a 4-plane char jitter matrix
* DepthMap depth output in a 1-plan long, float32, or float64 jitter matrix
* IrMap Infrared IR output in a 1-plan long, float32, or float64 jitter matrix
* UserPixelMap user tagging/identification output in a 1-plan long, float32, or float64 jitter matrix
* Skeleton joints in an OSC, native max route, or legacy OSCeleton format
* Skeleton events in an OSC, native max route, or legacy OSCeleton format (e.g. user seen, user lost, calibration success, etc.)
* User centers of mass
* Values for user centers of mass and joints in OpenNI native, projective coordinate, or OSCeleton legacy “normalized” values
* Attributes to filtering data based on position or orientation confidence, display or not the orientation data, and smooth skeleton data using OpenNI’s smoothing API
* Compiled as a Win32 max/jitter external
join External Joins two lists together.

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lloopp Patch A software written in max/msp, designed for live-improvising.
lloopp is written by musicians who use this very software for their performances.
Anybody who is into max-programming is invited to join in.
multijoin External Joins messages, ints, floats, lists, and symbols into a list.
Input to inlets can be of variable or fixed length, which is determined by the arguments. Output is determined by the configuration of multijoin.
Synmergic Loop Editor plugin Pluggo (plug-in) a pluggo-based VST plugin focused on creating and editing musical patterns on-line.
The most important feature of this plugin is the online editing of musical patterns. Your on going music project remains private, having its own tempo, other VST instruments and FX…, in other words having its own unique musical character, while at the same time everything you do in this plugin is by principle public. The musical patterns exist at the synmergic server, not in your computer, and changes made to these patterns are directly reflected to anyone who uses them in his own project. Although the musical patterns are shared among various projects, this plugin is not about sharing static audio loops or bits of music, but instead it is about interaction and joining the creative process of others. The various projects sharing musical patterns form a network of on-going musical creations.

The plugin features a powerful polyphonic FM generator with the extra ability of generating various noises or even re-sampling real time audio input. Each audio event in a musical pattern has its own set of FM parameters and a dedicated envelop so that the synmergic VST plug-in comprises a versatile tool for creating audio loops.
zl External Multi-purpose list processing, group join nth len reg mth iter sect sub union slice rev rot ecils
The zl object performs several kinds of list processing functions. You set the function with a keyword argument, and can change the function performed with the mode message. The behavior of the zl objectŐs inlets and outlets and the types of messages they expect or process varies according to the mode of the zl object. For brevity in the discussion that follows, we refer to any Max message as a list including single elements such as int, symbol, and float and messages that begin with a symbol (a Max list is a message that begins with a number).
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