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Lpair External Iterates and synchronizes two lists.
omx.4band~ External A 4-band multiband compressor/limiter.
OctiMax 4 Band Dynamics Processor
omx.5band~ External A 5-band multiband compressor/limiter.
OctiMax 5 Band Dynamics Processor
omx.comp~ External A compressor/limiter with a dual-band option.
OctiMax Compressor / Gate
omx.peaklim~ External An audio peak limiter.
OctiMax Peak Limiter
pmpd.mass External 1D mass. This object's inlet need forces (float), and outlet it's position (float). All forces send to it's inlet are add together. A bang allow the mass to compute it's new position, and to output it. The mass can move due to it's inertia.
ÒmassÓ objects react like a point mass. It takes forces at its input, and output its position. It move according to the Newtonian dynamics: ·F = m ?. ÒmassÓ objects got inertia, but they are punctual (they can not rotate). For each time iteration, they make the summation of forces apply to their inlet to know the acceleration to have (positive or negative).
search External file searcher (an example of recursive scripting. \'folderiter\' above is better at file searching.)
splange Abstraction Splits an incoming stream of numbers into decreasing, same and increasing parts.
Does also work with lists, taking the first element as criterium.
stereo compressor Patch This one is more humorous than it is useful. Basically I wanted to see if making a compressor (actually, this is more strictly just a limiter) was possible in MSP. Well, I got my answer, and the answer was: maybe.
This one is more humorous than it is useful. Basically I wanted to see if making a compressor (actually, this is more strictly just a limiter) was possible in MSP. Well, I got my answer, and the answer was: maybe.
strtok External equentially truncate string if delimiter is found
stupor External multiple list iterator-- silly sequencer
tap.limiter~ External limit signal - dynamic
prevent a signal from exceeding a threshold
type External Split mixed lists into separate lists by type
Split mixed lists into separate lists by type; i.e. one mixed lists yields a list of ints, a list of floats, and a lists of symbols. Optionally, iterate an entire list out separate outlets by type.
v.deepblur External v.deepblur applies a strong blur to the stream.
v.deepblur applies a strong blur to the stream. The previous version of v.deepblur only operates on grays streams. The current version works on yuv and rgb formats as well. More blur iterations will require more processing time. For very deep blurs, set the depth to 4 and use the number of iterations that gives you the effect you want. This will be more efficient than more iterations of less deep blurs.
zl External Multi-purpose list processing, group join nth len reg mth iter sect sub union slice rev rot ecils
The zl object performs several kinds of list processing functions. You set the function with a keyword argument, and can change the function performed with the mode message. The behavior of the zl objectÕs inlets and outlets and the types of messages they expect or process varies according to the mode of the zl object. For brevity in the discussion that follows, we refer to any Max message as a list including single elements such as int, symbol, and float and messages that begin with a symbol (a Max list is a message that begins with a number).
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