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jit.la.inverse External Calculate the inverse of a matrix
The jit.la.inverse object calculates the inverse with respect to multiplication of a given input matrix. The input matrix must have type float32 orfloat64, and may have planecount 1 or 2. If the input matrix has a planecount of 2, it is assumed that the data is from the set of complex numbers.
jit.la.mult External True matrix multiplication
The jit.la.mult object calculates the matrix product of two input matrices (as opposed to multiplication performed by the jit.op object, which ispointwise multiplication). The input matrices must have type float32 or float64, and may have planecount 1 or 2. If the input matrix has a planecount of 2, it is assumed that the data is from the set of complex numbers.
jit.la.trace External Calculate the sum across the main diagonal
The jit.la.trace object calculates the sum across the main diagonal of a given input matrix, and send the result out the leftmost outlet. The input matrix must have type float32 or float64, and may have planecount 1 or 2. If the input matrix has a planecount of 2, it is assumed that the data is from the set of complex numbers, and the output sum is a list of 2 floating point values. The first element is the real component and the second element is the imaginary component.
jit.la.uppertri External Convert a matrix into an upper triangular matrix
The jit.la.determinant object converts a given input matrix to an upper triangular matrix via Gaussian elimination. The input matrix must have type float32 or float64, and may have planecount 1 or 2. If the input matrix has a planecount of 2, it is assumed that the data is from the set of complex numbers.
jit.openexr External Load or save HDR image data in OpenEXR format.
read and write OpenEXR format images (includes floating point HDR, and arbitrary color channels)
jit.openni External Max Jitter external for OpenNI middleware, supports Kinect and any other OpenNI compliant device
Rich support of OpenNI features using devices like Kinect. Currently supports:

* Configuration of OpenNI by an OpenNI XML configuration file; see OpenNI documentation for format
* ImageMap image output of RGB24 output in a 4-plane char jitter matrix
* DepthMap depth output in a 1-plan long, float32, or float64 jitter matrix
* IrMap Infrared IR output in a 1-plan long, float32, or float64 jitter matrix
* UserPixelMap user tagging/identification output in a 1-plan long, float32, or float64 jitter matrix
* Skeleton joints in an OSC, native max route, or legacy OSCeleton format
* Skeleton events in an OSC, native max route, or legacy OSCeleton format (e.g. user seen, user lost, calibration success, etc.)
* User centers of mass
* Values for user centers of mass and joints in OpenNI native, projective coordinate, or OSCeleton legacy “normalized” values
* Attributes to filtering data based on position or orientation confidence, display or not the orientation data, and smooth skeleton data using OpenNI’s smoothing API
* Compiled as a Win32 max/jitter external
jit.p.shiva External Generate/eliminate particles
The jit.p.shiva object generates Jitter matrices conforming to the Jitter particle system specification. Particle system matrices must be 2-dimensional (n x 2, where n is the maximum number of particles), and may be composed of either float32 or float64 data types. Planes 0 and 1 are reserved and represent a unique particle ID and the current life of the particle, respectively. All other planes (from plane 2 to plane 31) may be used to manage qualities for each particle. The second row always holds the immediately previous value of row 1.
jit.traffic External Multiply the planar vector by a matrix
The jit.traffic object takes an input matrix and multiplies its cells using an N x N+1 float32 matrix
jr.route~ Abstraction Route signal int float list and symbols (extended version of Stefan Tiedjes route~)
keep Javaclass (mxj) Store and keep anything: int, float, list, message with arguments...
the stored data is output at loadbang unless the autobang attribute is set to false
keys External Allows the placement of objects in your patch with key commands. Objects are placed at mouse position.
Automate your patch building with key commands to drop objects at mouse position.

n- number box
f- float
m- message
b- button
t- toggle
option-space- Object box

Makes life easier, faster and more enjoyable. More time can be spent perfecting detailed patch cord layouts.
Kn.quantize Abstraction very simple quantification for int and floats
l.preset Abstraction l.preset is a package of two abstractions (l.r & l.preset). Every l.r can be connected to number/floatboxes/slides/etc. and l.preset stores their values in a coll. l.r also includes the option to morph between to saved presets. (working on a version to mo
Larray External An object to store thousands of floats.
lessthan~ (<~) External Signal less-than operator
Signal less-than operator. The signal less-than operator outputs a 1 signal when the left input is less than the right input and a 0 when it is greater than or equal to the right input. The right input can be a signal or a float.
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hi-res objects
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='63'Joshua Kit Clayton high resolution msp objects which use two 32-bit audio signals to obtain near 64-bit floating point precision.
Optimized Gates
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='34'Stephen Kay 7 different optimized gates ("bgate" for bangs, "igate" for ints, "fgate" for floats, "sgate" for symbols, and "lgate" for lists. These do not need to do a message lookup, since they only deal with one data type. Also includes "andGate" and "orGate" by David Roach)
Panaiotis Objects
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='122' Panaiotis The Mac version is UB.

These Max objects have been enhanced since the documentation to the left was written. Help files for the objects provide information on enhancements.

The matrix object has been substantially upgraded. It now combines features of unpack, spray, funnel, append, and prepend into one object. This makes a great object to place between controllers and jit objects because it acts like a multi-prepend. There are new configuration commands and enhancements to the old: even, odd, mod,and range, among others). Most commands can be applied to inlets of outlets. There is also a mute function that adds another layer of control. Matrixctrl support has been enhanced. See the help file for full details and examples.

Most other objects now fully support floats. RCer and autocount will count in float values, not just integers.

Notegen16 is a 16 channel version of its predecessor: notegen. It is more generalized and much more efficient.
ri.Lorenz MSP objects
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='169'Ryo Ikeshiro Calculates the Lorenz dynamical system and various modifications at signal rate. Can be controlled by either floats or signal for sample-accurate timing.

Currently only available for Mac OS X 10.5 or later (Intel). The following have only been tested on Max 5.

4855 objects and 135 libraries within the database Last entries : December 23rd, 2023 Last comments : 0 0 visitor and 43600497 members connected RSS
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