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aalert External put up a macintosh standard alert box with up to 3 buttons, error and explanation text. retrieve which button the user clicked.
put up a macintosh standard alert box with up to 3 buttons, error and explanation text. retrieve which button the user clicked.
ajm.error Javascript (js) print error messages to the Max window
bucephalusish Patch This one was inspired by an Aphex Twin track called "Bucephalus Bouncing Ball". A periodic clicking sound can be made to gradually change frequency over a specified amount of time.
This one was inspired by an Aphex Twin track called "Bucephalus Bouncing Ball". A periodic clicking sound can be made to gradually change frequency over a specified amount of time. NOTE: be sure to set the "from", "to", and "in" number boxes before clicking the top button the first time, or you will get massive errors.
cv.jit.mean External Computes the mean value of each pixel over time.
Computes the mean value of each pixel over time. Works a lot like the regular Max object "mean". In order to clear the matrix, you must send the "reset" message rather than "clear", as "clear" will not reset the internal frame counter to zero. Accepts any data type or planecount. Note, however, that due to rounding errors, char and long calculations are going to deviate downwards from the actual mean. If accuracy is an issue, or you plan to feed cv.jit.mean a large number of frames, convert to floating point beforehand.
error External Output Max window errors as messages
The error object allows you to catch errors and output them as Max messages. The messages are separated by individual words so you can check for specific failures. In order to produce an error message, error has to be "listening" for errors, which you can do by sending it a 1. To stop listening, send a 0.
jit.ameba External Idiosyncratic downsampling/upsampling
The jit.ameba object began life as a completely failed attempt at a linear interpolation object. As the Oblique Strategies say, "Honor thy error as a hidden intention." If you're interested in linear interpolation objects, try the jit.plur object. Otherwise, please enjoy the mess.
maxlispj Javaclass (mxj) LISP interpreter object (Common Lisp)
Version 0.96 of the [mxj maxlispj] LISP interpreter object
available for download for those who want to do some serious Processing
of Lists (Hey! LISt Processing! Wow!):


This relatively complete implementation of Common Lisp uses the "abcl"
(current version, 0.23.0) java-based interpreter authored by Peter Graves
as a base. LISP is a wonderfully elegant language for having all kinds
of algorithmic fun.

The current version is a more complete implementation of Common
Lisp with improved error-handling. This version is for OSX 10.5/6,
Max5. It may run on Windows 7; I'll be updating it direcly soon.

Full source for both the "abcl" java classes and the [maxlispj] java
classes is also available at the website above.

I hope you enjoy this and can find it useful. Happy 2011!

Brad Garton
Columbia University Computer Music Center
quat External "Represent, store and transform a quaternion"
"The mul messsage, with a quaternion argument, rotates the stored quaternion by the argument. bang outputs the stored value. reset sets it to zero rotation. quat takes an optional int argument - how often quaternions are normalized. Reduce to improve object efficiency, but increase to avoid floating point error creeping into the angles. Default every 30 operations."
residency~ External residency~ is a spectral sampler
residency~ is a spectral sampler. The first argument specifies how many milliseconds of sampling memory to use. Start conservatively. The megabyte usage will be reported in the Max error window. If you request more memory than is available, you may experience difficulty.
rytm External rytm provides a rich interface to communicate with Analog Rytm MKII through sysex.

It has verbose and informative error reporting, inherits all the features of rytm-rs and provides comprehensive documentation.
Source code, readme and docs: https://github.com/alisomay/rytm-external
Anoucment thread: https://www.elektronauts.com/t/announcing-rytm-the-first-maxmsp-external-for-analog-rytm
sadam.dom Javaclass (mxj) A Document Object Model (DOM) interface for Max.
sadam.dom will create, read, store or even modify DOM trees. The DOM is one of the possible representations of the contents of an XML document (see http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/.) The object internally uses the default Java DOM parser that comes as an instance of javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory, bringing all the power and almost all of the functionality of a W3C-certified DOM parser to MaxMSP. The kind of Nodes currently not handled by sadam.dom are: Comment, Entity, EntityReference, Notation and ProcessingInstruction.

When an XML is parsed, the object will assign a unique ID to each Element of the document, called the Element Index. This index won't get stored and changes each time when the order of Elements in the XML is modified (either by inserting or removing Elements). However, using the Element Index is the preferred (and in most cases, the only) way to address a given element in the XML. The Element Index is sent out the rightmost outlet each time an element is accessed. The Element Index of the Document Element is always 0, the rest of the Elements get their index in their 'order of appearence'. This means that even if an Element is being inserted or removed, the Index of the Elements that come earlier in the Document won't change.

When querying Attributes, Text, or CDATA nodes, the requested data will be sent out the appropriate outlets in right-to-left order (in case of Attributes, if more than one Attribute is requested, they will be sent to the output as a sequence like AttributeName1-AttributeValue1-AttributeName2-AttributeValue2-...-AttributeNameN-AttributeValueN, alternating on the appropriate outlets) followed by an error code. When querying Elements, the result will be sent out as a sequence (from right to left) consisting of the Element Index, the Tree Depth of the Element (the Document Element is at level 0, its children are at level 1 etc.), the Element's Tag Name, the Attributes, and finally the Text Content (which is a concatenation of all Text and CDATA nodes).

The leftmost outlet serves as an error outlet. After each command sent to the object, an error code is being sent back through this outlet at the end of the execution of the given command. A negative value means that the command could not be executed successfully, while 0 means success. In some cases (typically when one or more Elements are queried) the error outlet reports the number of Elements successfully returned.

sadam.dom and sadam.sax are both W3C compliant XML parsers, however, this means some overhead in terms of resources. If you need a lightweight, fast XML parser and you can live with some limitations regarding W3C compliance, consider using sadam.rapidXML.
sadam.rapidXML External A RapidXML wrapper for Max.
sadam.rapidXML will create, read, store or even modify DOM trees. The DOM is one of the possible representations of the contents of an XML document (see http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/.) The object internally uses the RapidXML 1.13 library (see http://rapidxml.sourceforge.net/,) which is one of the fastest, yet still almost completely W3C compliant, freely available XML parsers.

When an XML is parsed, the object will assign a unique ID to each Element of the document, called the Element Index. This index won't get stored and changes each time when the order of Elements in the XML is modified (either by inserting or removing Elements). However, using the Element Index is the preferred (and in most cases, the only) way to address a given element in the XML. The Element Index is sent out the rightmost outlet each time an element is accessed. The Element Index of the Document Element is always 0, the rest of the Elements get their index in their 'order of appearence'. This means that even if an Element is being inserted or removed, the Index of the Elements that come earlier in the Document won't change.

When querying Attributes, Text, or CDATA nodes, the requested data will be sent out the appropriate outlets in right-to-left order (in case of Attributes, if more than one Attribute is requested, they will be sent to the output as a sequence like AttributeName1-AttributeValue1-AttributeName2-AttributeValue2-...-AttributeNameN-AttributeValueN, alternating on the appropriate outlets) followed by an error code. When querying Elements, the result will be sent out as a sequence (from right to left) consisting of the Element Index, the Tree Depth of the Element (the Document Element is at level 0, its children are at level 1 etc.), the Element's Tag Name, the Attributes, and finally the Text Content (which is a concatenation of all Text and CDATA nodes).

The leftmost outlet serves as an error outlet. After each command sent to the object, an error code is being sent back through this outlet at the end of the execution of the given command. A negative value means that the command could not be executed successfully, while 0 means success. In some cases (typically when one or more Elements are queried) the error outlet reports the number of Elements successfully returned.

As already mentioned, RapidXML 1.13 (and therefore sadam.rapidXML) is not fully W3C compliant. The main reason is that the parser ignores DOCTYPE declarations. There are also some difficulties with namespace management as well, the parser wouldn't refuse XMLs containing more than one root element and it will allow duplicate attributes for the same element. Also, to make parsing faster, all kind of XML validation is turned off by the wrapper Max object. If you need a 100% W3C compliant XML parser, consider sadam.dom, which is almost identical in functionality to sadam.rapidXML and requires MXJ to run.
sadam.sax Javaclass (mxj) A Simple API for XML (SAX) interface for Max.
sadam.sax will parse XML documents using SAX. The output will be sent out for each Element as a sequence (from right to left) consisting of the Element Index (the number of the Element in the XML), the Tree Depth of the Element (the Document Element is at level 0, its children are at level 1 etc.), the Element's Tag Name, the Attributes, and finally the Text Content (which is a concatenation of all Text and CDATA nodes). The leftmost outlet serves as an error outlet: if any error happens during parsing, it returns -1, otherwise it returns 0 after finishing the parsing process.

sadam.dom and sadam.sax are both W3C compliant XML parsers, however, this means some overhead in terms of resources. If you need a lightweight, fast XML parser and you can live with some limitations regarding W3C compliance, consider using sadam.rapidXML.
Skew_correction Javaclass (mxj) correct for camera perspective
"Skewcorrection.pat uses a least-squared error transformation to correct for skew in an image, typically caused by the camera's perspective. This is based on correcting a warped calibration rectangle in the image to a true rectangle."
St.-# Abstraction To prevent error when loading patches with # arguments
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