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DDT Calc Standalone Application DDT Calc is a delay time calculator used for figuring out what a delay time should be for a particular note value, tempo and meter.
decaydance Standalone Application short loops up to 10 seconds. 2 * 4 delays per channel. ring modulator and granulator.
del-fb~ Abstraction Delay line with feedback.
Delay line with feedback. The 1st argument of the function is the max delay time (ms), the second is the default feedback attenuation (dB). A "clear" message sent to the rightmost inlet clears the delay line.
delay External Delay a bang
The delay object takes an optional argument - the delay time in milliseconds. A bang in the left inlet is delayed by a specified amount of time set by the argument or a number in the right inlet. A number in the left inlet sets the delay time and then triggers a delayed bang.
delay0 Abstraction Only a zero will be delayed. Switch on immediate, switch off delayed.
delay2~ Abstraction delay
This abstraction is a shortcut for using the standard MSP delay tap objects in a single delay situation. It is for those too lazy to connect a tapin~ and a tapout~ manually. The original version of this abstraction was called delay1~ and used the named-delay-line objects delread~ and delwrite~ from MAX/FTS on the ISPW. The MSP version takes advantage of the tapout~ object which may be either a constant or variable delay, depending on whether a signal or float is connected to its inlet. (See the MSP Users manual on tapout~ for details.)
delayBP Module performs a digital delay on incoming audio
delayline Standalone Application for exploring the timbral and musical effects of very small to very large time delays, also for layering and combining contrasting delayed materials.
delay~ External Delay calculated in samples, without feedback
delay~ is a simple delay line useful for delaying a signal a small number of samples. Using tapin~ and tapout~ it is difficult to delay a signal less than the current signal vector size. With delay~ you can specify the delay in samples via an int in the right inlet or with an optional second argument.
delread~ External delay line tap
DeltaT Collective Graphical interpolating delay/panning tool for arbitrary placed loudspeakers.
This is a small collective to enable the user to test delay/panning settings on arbitrary placed loudspeakers really quick.

It consists of a pattrstorage to provide the model and calculation, a small script to add new sets of delay/gain/pattr-objects and a js + jit.gl patch to graphically control the placement of the presets and the interpolation.

A small tutorial will be uploaded in the near future.
delwrite~ External delay line
dot.centre Abstraction Automatically offsets input to re-centre signal around zero, with user-definable delay, ramp time, and time grain.
dot.channelthresh Abstraction Combines ID-tagged channels into lists using a delay threshold. Like “thresh,” but keeps channel information.
dot.history Abstraction Outputs list of delayed samples: x[n], x[n-1], …, x[n-m].
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