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Crossover External Performs a crossover on 2 Lists of integers
The Crossover object performs a crossover between two lists of integers to create 2 new children Lists. Each parent List is divided into n size segments. According to the crossover probability of each segment, the Crossover function swaps (or not) this segment between Parent A and Parent B.
Evolve External Generates new Lists from a List using genetic algorithm
Evolve is based on conventional genetic algorithm. It produces offsprings (new Lists) from an initial List of integers. The user selects which offspring he prefers (the fitness function is not part of the object) and new offsprings are generated using reproduction, mutation and crossover.
gak External genetic algorithm kit
the genetic algorithm toolkit is meant to be a quick way to incorporate genetic algorithms into max projects. you can either create the child's genetic material yourself (manually or randomly), or pass two parent sequences (in the form of a max list) to the gak object. you can then select how you'd like to manipulate this genetic material from a variety of processes (crossover, reverse, shift, transposition & increment/decrement) yourself, or allow the gak to make the decisions for you.

note that if you don't pass new parent sequences (or randomly/manually generate a child sequence) the next time around, the new parents will both be clones of the child. also note that gak only creates one child, but you can hook up a bunch of them if you really want a gaggle of children. then it's up to you to select which one you like best for the next generation.

many thanks to anthony palomba for the windows port.
tl.crossover4~ External 4th order Linkwitz-Riley crossover filter (high and low).
This is a commonly used high-end crossover filter for loudspeakers. It is a 24 dB per octave crossover filter with each filter down 6 dB at crossover. An important feature of the filter is that the two drivers (the low and high passed filters) are actually in phase at all frequencies. That is, even though the filters have their own characteristic phase responses the phase difference between the two output signals is the same at all frequencies. As a result, each filter section has the same group delay.
waffle~ External signal crossover
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