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sc.clipnoise~ External Clip Noise.
Generates noise whose spectrum falls off in power by 3 dB per octave. sc.crackle~
242.eclipse External meta-imaging
242.eclipse02 External 2-source meta-imaging
242.eclipse03 External meta-imaging with threshhold inversion
aleamapper External Prinipally designed for the MaxAlea objects, the middle outlet outputs input variables below the minin boundry, the right outlet outputs input above the maxin boundry. A kind of combination of the scale and clip objects.
Prinipally designed for the MaxAlea objects, the middle outlet outputs input variables below the minin boundry, the right outlet outputs input above the maxin boundry. Allows a finetuning of scaled boundries and/or a utilisation of data which falls outside these boundries. May also be used to zoom into a particular region of a distribution. When creating discrete variables from continous, the upper boundry must be increased by one more than the value wished.That is, for values between 0 and 127 one selects 0 and 128.
CDClipper Patch CDClipper is a compact disc controller for MAX
clip External Limit numbers within a certain range
Constrains an int, float or list within a certain range
clipboard External output data from OS X clipboard
A Max/MSP 4.6 External that outputs text from the OS X clipboard.
clip~ External Constrain a signal between two values
Constrain a signal between two values. clip~ takes two arguments specifying the minimum and maximum between which the output signal will be constrained. You can also change these via the middle and right inlets, which can be floats or signals.
deltaclip~ External deltaclip~ limits the change between samples in an incoming signal.
deltaclip~ limits the change between samples in an incoming signal. Similar to clip~, but with respect to slope rather than amplitude. Useful for envelope following and lowpass filtering. Typically you will want your minimum slope to be negative and your maximum slope to be positive.
distorsion~ External distortion~ implements a simple transfer function form of clipping.
distortion~ implements a simple transfer function form of clipping. It is similar to clip~ but different enough to be worthwhile.
dot.clip Abstraction Clips a stream of numbers to a minimum, maximum, or both.
dot.router Abstraction Performs OSC namespace translation, scaling, and clipping for an arbitrary number of mapping connections.
dot.vscale Abstraction Just like the scale object, but for vectors. Includes clipping-feature.
ej.lclip Javaclass (mxj) constrains a list within a certain range
constrains a list within a certain range (like clip but for lists)
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