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mw.lcdrangebar External an lcd-based bpatcher which performs a similar function to Max\'s built-in rangebar. This one has some nifty features which the (ageing) rangebar lacks.
pass~ External Elminate noise when listening to a muted subpatcher
Elminate noise when listening to a muted subpatcher. Use pass~ before the outputs of a subpatcher you intend to mute. When the subpatcher is disabled using mute~, the pass~ object outputs a zero signal. Otherwise it passes the input to the output. If pass~ isn't used, the output of a muted subpatcher could be any signal, even one making unwelcome noise, because the function of mute~ is not to zero the volume of the output but to eliminate the DSP processing (and therefore the CPU utilization) of the subpatcher. An alternative to using pass~ would be to put a volume control on the output that is set to zero when the subpatcher is muted.
preset storage patch Patch lets you store settings from all your sub- or bpatchers in one handy location. It can handle ints, floats and symbols as well as lists.
pv External Store and retrieve variables specific to a patcher
pv is similar to the value object, which allows a number, symbol or list to be shared among several objects. However, pv is local to a patcher and its subpatchers. In this example, there are two subpatchers in this help file, each with its own copy of "pv private". Changes to "pv private" objects in one subpatcher do not affect those in the other. However, there is a "pv public" object in this patcher which is accessible to both subpatchers. You can use pv when you need to share a value within a patcher or subpatchers, but there may be multiple copies of the patcher around. Thus, pv is most useful for patchers you will make into files and reuse repeatedly.Also double-click on the patcher "more" for more information about pv features.
registry External Registry is a bit like a coll object, but supports a hierarchical directory structure
Registry is a bit like a coll object, but supports a hierarchical directory structure, so that it can be used in library patchers and bpatchers which need to save and restore their own state, by using directory paths as arguments.
rm.slice Javaclass (mxj) The [rm.slice] object fills a call with start and endpoints for segments within a buffer~ based on when amplitude rises above a given threshold.
The [rm.slice] object fills a call with start and endpoints for segments within a buffer~ based on when amplitude rises above a given threshold. This is a java implementation of Nao Tokui's [slice~] based on a Max implementation by Volker Böhm (see subpatcher below).
setclock External Control the clock speed of timing objects remotely
Create a named redefinition of the timing source used by various objects. The setclock object allows you to create one of several modes of timing that provide alternatives to the standard millisecond clock. Each setclock is associated with a name (its first argument), and this name may be passed as the argument to a "clock" message to numerous objects that use timing in Max, such as metro, line, and pipe.The subpatchers below demonstrate each of the four setclock modes. Double-click to see them.
St.LoadIf Abstraction Useful for subpatchers with #x arguments. It can replace all the different loadbang constructions.
thispatcher External Send messages to a patcher
thispatcher can be used to modify and/or close a patcher window. It sends a message to the patcher window in which it is contained. The messages currently accepted by patchers are shown below. In addition, you can look at any Max patcher document as text and copy the format for sending messages to "#P" and create new objects and connections right in the window under program control! Also see the bpatcher help file for the use of thispatcher with bpatcher.
timeline.js Javascript (jsui) The timeline is a graphical jsui object in a bpatcher which allows the graphical arrangement of events in time. These events can be edited with the mouse or with messages to the left inlet.
The messages are sent to a reference coll each time they a
Timeline.js works in conjunction with the "timelineBP.maxpat" bpatcher.
All operations are carried out in this bpatcher and
all timeline events are written to a coll inside the bpatcher.

The timeline does not sequence any events.
All it does is to provide a GUI which lets you create and edit events. These events are then written to a coll inside the timeline bpatcher. There's no fixed project length, you can add as many events in a time span as you wish--you just have to set the offset accordingly to see them (use the length message).
The same applies to the number of rows. They are not limited, just select the correct row offset (use the depth message).

There are currently two shortcuts:
"Backspace" will delete the selected elements
"i" will open the inspector for the selected event
Shortcuts only work if mouse is over the timeline-object!

The inspector will let you edit events. If used in conjuction with a pattrstorage, the inspector will grab a pattrstorage client list and display it in a menu.
tl.qraphiqEQ~ Abstraction 1/3 Octave Graphical Equalizer
Use as object or bpatcher. pattr-aware
tm.propgate Abstraction Used as a bpatcher in tm.cueprops to allow properties to pass through to the playbank.
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='24'Darwin Grosse A bunch of abstractions and bpatchers that provide useful tools for both beginning and experienced Max/MSP developers.

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