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atoi External Convert ASCII characters to integers.
atoi External character to integer conversion.
atoi converts a symbol, list, int, or float into a list of up to 255 integers. This can be useful for formatting messages into a stream of sysex bytes or serial commands. Both inlets receive any message, convert to a character string, and output a list of int values. The first inlet immediately translates and transmits. It also responds to bang, outputting what is in the buffer. The second inlet is used to concatenate to what is in the buffer.
dot.atoi Abstraction Convert a symbol that starts with a decimal number to an integer.
keytoi Abstraction Like atoi, but it will understand some keywords for special keys.
tap.atoi External ascii to integer converter
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='163'Thierry Voinier
Charles Gondre
Externals from CNRS-LMA (Laboratoire de Mécanique et d\'Acoustique - Marseille, France)

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