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random arpeggiator Patch If you play a chord on your MIDI device, this patch will randomly play one note at a time from the chord at a specified tempo.

random arpeggiator Patch If you play a chord on your MIDI device, this patch will randomly play one note at a time from the chord at a specified tempo.

Random-Delay Abstraction calculates a random delay

random-norep Abstraction random based object

random-norep Abstraction random based object

random-norep Abstraction random based object

random-pan~ Abstraction random pan

random-pan~ Abstraction random pan

random-pan~ Abstraction random pan

random-ramp Abstraction Generates randomly fluctuating envelope shapes of a given dynamic scale

random-ramp Abstraction Generates randomly fluctuating envelope shapes of a given dynamic scale

random-ramp Abstraction Generates randomly fluctuating envelope shapes of a given dynamic scale

random-row Abstraction random and dodecaphonic based object

random-row Abstraction random and dodecaphonic based object

random-row Abstraction random and dodecaphonic based object

randomF / randF External Generate a random float

randomF / randF External Generate a random float

RandomSeeder Abstraction random based object

RandomSeeder Abstraction random based object

RandomSeeder Abstraction random based object

random_pitch+rhythm Patch note generator with random pitch and rhythm synced to bpm of Live set.

random~ External audio rate random number generator

random~ External audio rate random number generator

random~ External audio rate random number generator

rand_dist_list~ External arbitrary distribution random signal generator

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