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ej.function.js Javascript (jsui) UI: multi bpf editor compatible with the standart function object

ej.jit.preview Abstraction (Bpatcher) JItter patcher window with slowing down information

ej.jit.preview Abstraction (Bpatcher) JItter patcher window with slowing down information

ej.l2buffer Javaclass (mxj) fill a buffer~ with a list

ej.l2buffer Javaclass (mxj) fill a buffer~ with a list

ej.lchange Javaclass (mxj) aware of list changes

ej.lchange Javaclass (mxj) aware of list changes

ej.lclip Javaclass (mxj) constrains a list within a certain range

ej.lclip Javaclass (mxj) constrains a list within a certain range

ej.ldrunk Javaclass (mxj) drunk for list

ej.ldrunk Javaclass (mxj) drunk for list

ej.led.js Javascript (jsui) does the same as the standard LED object / button object

ej.led.js Javascript (jsui) does the same as the standard LED object / button object

ej.line Abstraction Multi-segment line

ej.line Abstraction Multi-segment line

ej.linterp Javaclass (mxj) List interpolator (2, 4 or 8 inputs)

ej.linterp Javaclass (mxj) List interpolator (2, 4 or 8 inputs)

ej.lock.js Javascript (js) Get/set locked mode (patch edit mode)

ej.lock.js Javascript (js) Get/set locked mode (patch edit mode)

ej.lop Javaclass (mxj) list operator

ej.lop Javaclass (mxj) list operator

ej.lquant Javaclass (mxj) Quantize a stream of number or a list

ej.lquant Javaclass (mxj) Quantize a stream of number or a list

ej.lscale Javaclass (mxj) maps input range of lists to output range

ej.lscale Javaclass (mxj) maps input range of lists to output range

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