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bthresher~External bthresher~ extends the thresher model, to give independent control over the parameters of each individual bin.
burrow~External filtering
byplay~External byplay~ provides note-statement-like playback of audio from a buffer~
cavoc27~External 27 rule cellular automata (CA).
cavoc~External cavoc~ is an 8 rule cellular automata that generates spectra. Start with very low gain.
centerring~External frequency modulation
chopper~External algorithmic buffer
clean_selector~External Gives clean crossfades between signal sources. However, cannot mute incoming signals.
codepend~External block convolution processor
crossx~External a cross synthesis object with gating
dentist~External dentist~ punches out all but a select set of partials.
disarrain~External an interpolating version of disarray~
disarray~External disarray~ reorders the weights of spectral components below a specified frequency.
distorsion~External distortion~ implements a simple transfer function form of clipping.
drown~External noise reduction
ether~External ether~ selects portions of two input signals and creates a composite output spectrum based upon the amplitude of the inputs
flanjah~External flanger where better sound quality may be had with signal inputs rather than floats if you want to dynamically change the parameters.
granola~External granular pitch shifter
impulse~External impulse~ puts out an impulse in response to a bang
kbuffer~External for storing control functions at a lower sampling rate.
killdc~External A handy filter for removing pesky 0 Hz from signals.
leaker~External leaker~ combines two input sounds, with the spectral contribution of each sound determined by an internally maintained sieve and a threshold selection value.
markov~External implements a first order markov chain and then outputs values tagged to events.
mindwarp~External mindwarp~ performs spectral envelope warping.
morphine~External morphine~ performs spectral morphing

FFTease FFTease is a collection of Max/MSP objects implementing various forms of spectral sound processing. These include an additive-synthesis phase vocoder, noise reduction, cross synthesis, and more unusual forms of spectral processing
Lyon's Max/MSP Potpourri free and useful externals

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