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ej.mout~Abstraction Panpot on multiple output (up to 8).
ej.mtofJavaclass (mxj) MIDI to Frequency (with tuning adjustment, works for lists)
ej.nthru.jsJavascript (js) It does nothing... just pass the input to the output...
ej.numbox.jsJavascript (jsui) An alternative number box.
ej.op.jsJavascript (js) Open subpatcher by name.
ej.route.jsJavascript (js) route data by type.
ej.urnJavaclass (mxj) Like urn for larger random range
ej.vdb-sig~Abstraction Variable delay without clicks or transposition (accept signal as delay time)
ej.vdb~Abstraction Variable delay without clicks or transposition.
ej.x2dxJavaclass (mxj) get the interval between successive values of a list
jit.fullscreenAbstraction jit.fullscreen create a jit.window on the second monitor.
jit.getparamAbstraction jit.getparam grab attributes from a jitter object and help you to manipulate different parameters.
kafAbstraction Kill and Activate Finder
kd&uAbstraction Report 1 when key is down, 0 when you release a key
nine2XAbstraction obsolet: Convert mac path file (:) to Unix path file (/).
pttAbstraction Push to talk, useful during conferences.
SoundFilesMergerStandalone Application Application which allows you to merge mono files into a multi channels sound file.
splay~Abstraction graphical interface for sfplay~
stout~Abstraction Graphical interface for dac~ with vu-meter...
zsa.distExternal Calculates various kind of distance on lists (Euclidian, Minkowsky, Cosine, Covariance, Kullback-Leibler)
zsa.mfcc~External Outputs Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients as a list.

ejies The ejies is a collection of abstractions utilities, digital signal processing, JavaScripts tools I have developed in Max/MSP-Jitter for my own pedagogical purposes, using the knowledge I gained while teaching at Ircam.
Zsa.descriptors Zsa.descriptors is a library for real-time descriptors analysis.

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