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Home > Authors > O > Alexei Oleinikov : 6 objects/ 1 library

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euclidJavaclass (mxj) Euclidian rhythms generator
listwalkerJavaclass (mxj) This object provides an easy way to iterate through lists.
spanJavaclass (mxj) Generate rhythm by setting distance between shots.
xe.genJavaclass (mxj) Generate single resudual class for a sieve.
xe.opJavaclass (mxj) Calculate logical operations on two residual classes.
xe.spacesJavaclass (mxj) Calculate differences between neighbor values in a list.

dev.pattr dev.pattr library — is a set of externals, targeted to creating realtime/interactive computer music.

4855 objects and 135 libraries within the database Last entries : December 23rd, 2023 Last comments : 0 0 visitory and 42497280 members connected RSS
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