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jb.!=Abstraction test the equality of various data types
jb.%Abstraction modulo operator with integer quotient
jb.=Abstraction test the inequality of various data types
jb.blockAbstraction block the next n items from an input stream
jb.cellblockAbstraction storage mechanism for jit.cellblock
jb.changeAbstraction separate dynamic and static input
jb.collstatsAbstraction return statistics on a coll
jb.decodeAbstraction decode data using index numbers
jb.delayAbstraction delay for any kind of input, in ms or events
jb.deltaAbstraction calculate difference between successive values
jb.encodeAbstraction encode data using index numbers
jb.fiAbstraction separate floats and ints, treat whole-number floats as ints
jb.floatAbstraction store and interally operate upon a floating-point value
jb.gridAbstraction snap numerical input to a grid
jb.histoAbstraction a histogram for floating-point numbers
jb.interpAbstraction linear interpolation between two numerical lists
jb.iterAbstraction iterate a list at a variable rate
jb.itoaAbstraction queue-based integer to ASCII conversion
jb.labelAbstraction label objects with name or objectclass
jb.matchAbstraction pass input list if nth element(s) matches search term(s)
jb.meanAbstraction calculate the mean of a list with n% trimmed
jb.medianAbstraction return the median value of a numerical list
jb.mmlAbstraction return the min/max/length of named UI objects
jb.modeAbstraction return the mode of a list
jb.multichangeAbstraction separate dynamic and static input for any number of indexed variables

jb.utilities A set of 50 abstractions for performing both common and awkward tasks in Max/MSP. Categories include control, data, list processing, numbers, pattr-family, statistics, strings, and user-interface. Most perform multiple related functions and are unbiased as to data type where possible. Additionally, the download contains help files.

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