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f0.activeAbstraction help to turn off processes if inactive in more than x ms
f0.atolfAbstraction ascii to list-of-floats conversion
f0.auto_scaleExternal finds minimum and maximum values of a stream of numbers and uses them as input scaling range
f0.auto_scale.jsJavascript (js) finds min and max values of a stream of numbers and uses them as input scaling range
f0.auto_scale~External finds minimum and maximum values of a signal and uses them as input scaling range
f0.average_tempoAbstraction gives an average tempo of the last n bangs
f0.beats_to_framesExternal calculates how many [video]frames will fit in x beats
f0.boundsAbstraction detect if a xy location is within the bounds of a shape
f0.clockAbstraction slow down metro/line/delay/pipe/clocker/timeline objects
f0.constructExternal a constructive constructor
f0.coords_to_rectAbstraction convert x1, y1, x2, y2 to x, y, width, height
f0.data_seqAbstraction record and playback messages
f0.delayAbstraction fifo delay line for messages
f0.delayfAbstraction fifo delay line for numbers with feedback
f0.dictAbstraction simple dictionary
f0.distanceExternal calculate delta distance in 1, 2 or 3 dimensions
f0.distance~External calculate delta distance in 1, 2 or 3 dimensions
f0.drunkAbstraction floating-point drunk
f0.duplicates_in_collAbstraction remove duplicate data in coll objects - req. Peter Elsea's Lobjects
f0.easeAbstraction ease in, ease out
f0.efxgateAbstraction route via effect. also works with jitter
f0.float_counterAbstraction counter with float direction/rate
f0.flushAbstraction replacement for the standard [flush] object. this one also handles midi channels
f0.foldExternal fold float and integer numbers
f0.folderAbstraction wrapper for the standard [folder] object. easily connects to coll, umenu and msgbox

f0.abs a bunch of abstractions that someone might find helpful
f0.externals some externals for max
f0.mxj some java classes for max
make-enveloppe seven abstractions that creates different kinds of envelopes. perfect for grain synthesis. including adsr, blackman, curve, gauss, hamming, hanning, trapezoid.

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