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!%Abstraction A kind of the opposite to the modulo operator, it will count on...
!gateAbstraction Like gate but reversed. 1 closes, anything else opens.
#0Abstraction Like [int] but is loaded with an unique number.
#1Abstraction Just the existence of empty #x objects allows for creating subpatchers with this kind of differentiation. No annoying '#1: No such object' anymore.
#_0Abstraction Like [int] but is loaded with an unique number.
+-dBAbstraction map Midi (0-127) to a +- dB range. Good for filtercontrol
+dBAbstraction map Midi (0-127) to a + dB range. Good for filtercontrol
0xinAbstraction With no argument Oxin will just pass any input, if an argument different than 0 it will expect a list and pass according to the first number.
asrAbstraction Simple attack-sustain-release abstraction. Three arguments: Sustain level, Attack time, Sustain time
bangoneAbstraction Helps to avoid unwanted double triggers but only within a time specified by it right inlet or a parameter.
buddaAbstraction budda is buddy but works also with bangs. Maximum number of in/outs is 16
bypasdAbstraction In case you ever wanted a bypass function for filtergraph, bypasd is the easy solution.
bypass~Abstraction Connects the first input to the first output.
celAbstraction A short for compare select.
chonochAbstraction Change or not to change, that is the question, decided by the right input.
codeAbstraction binary decoder
ComidikeyCollective Your computer keyboard as Midi keyboard.
ComiditorCollective Midi monitor
cselAbstraction If you need seperate bangs for comparisons, csel is simple and effective
ctlinsAbstraction A bunch of ctlins (up to 16)
ctofAbstraction Convert cent values to frequency in Hertz
datimeAbstraction Puts out time and date on bang.
datodayAbstraction Calculate the day of this millenium for a given date.
decayAbstraction Outputs the input only if its bigger or equal than the value before.
DecIncAbstraction Does the same as IncDec, but will work with the up and down keys instead of mouse clicks.

abhaXions hacked X abstractions of missing externals.
St.ools Useful abstractions.

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