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v.stillstream External v.stillstream passes a stream from input to output.

v.stillstream External v.stillstream passes a stream from input to output.

v.stripalpha External v.stripalpha removes the alpha channel from the incoming stream.

v.stripalpha External v.stripalpha removes the alpha channel from the incoming stream.

v.sum External v.sum finds the sum of all the brightnesses in the image, and reports the sum as a single int.

v.sum External v.sum finds the sum of all the brightnesses in the image, and reports the sum as a single int.

v.swap External v.swap is a softVNS 2 version of swap

v.swap External v.swap is a softVNS 2 version of swap

v.switch External v.switch is a softVNS 2 streams version of switch.

v.switch External v.switch is a softVNS 2 streams version of switch.

v.switchboard External v.switchboard is a cross-point or matrix switch that allows the routine of each inlet to any of the outlets.

v.switchboard External v.switchboard is a cross-point or matrix switch that allows the routine of each inlet to any of the outlets.

v.tan External v.tan calculates the tangent of the brightness of each pixel in the image

v.tan External v.tan calculates the tangent of the brightness of each pixel in the image

v.track External v.track follows a specified small object across the video field with sub-pixel accuracy and no delay.

v.track External v.track follows a specified small object across the video field with sub-pixel accuracy and no delay.

v.tween External v.tween interpolates between the previously received frame and the most recent frame.

v.tween External v.tween interpolates between the previously received frame and the most recent frame.

v.unpacky_uv External v.unpacky_uv takes a yuv streams and divides it into the y component (a grays stream) and the uv components (as a second grays stream with u and v in alternating pixels.

v.unpacky_uv External v.unpacky_uv takes a yuv streams and divides it into the y component (a grays stream) and the uv components (as a second grays stream with u and v in alternating pixels.

v.window External v.window displays an incoming video stream in a window

v.window External v.window displays an incoming video stream in a window

v.wrap External This object shifts incoming values into a limited range in a few different ways.

v.wrap External This object shifts incoming values into a limited range in a few different ways.

v.xor External single stream: do a bit-wise XOR operation on each pixel’s brightness dual stream: do a bit-wise XOR between the pixel brightnesses of two streams

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