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Home > Objects > C > cv.jit.label > author : Jean-Marc Pelletier


This algorithm scans through the image and gives each connected component an individual value.

This algorithm scans through the image and gives each connected component an individual value. If you set the "mode" attribute to its default value of 0, it will paint the top-leftmost blob with ones, and will number blobs incrementally moving right and down. In mode 1, however, it will paint the blobs with the number of pixels in that blob. This can allow you, for instance, to filter only blobs that have sizes between such and such a value. Furthermore, in either mode, you can use the "threshold" attribute to erase all the blobs that are smaller than the threshold value. This is an extremely powerful (and surprisingly cheap) way of filtering noise out. In order to accommodate potentially large numbers of blobs, or large blob sizes, the output is a 1-plane long matrix. There is a hard-coded limit of 2048 possible blobs.
from the library :
Format : External
Environment : jitter / max / msp
Max 4.x


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