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Home > Objects > A > AsyncSerial > author : Michael Krzyzaniak


Interface with serial devices. Provides improved functionality over the builtin [serial] object.

An external object for Max/MSP on Mac OSX that interfaces with serial devices. This is intended to provide more useful functionality than the built-in [serial] object. Namely, [AsyncSerial] listens for incoming data on a separate thread and spits it out whenever it arrives. It does not need to be polled. This is similar to how UDPReceive works, and thus similar care must be taken when dealing with multithreaded Max-patches. [AsyncSerial] can also have its input buffer flushed, which is necessary when sending commands to a device and awaiting a reply. [AsyncSerial] can also be put in and out of \\\'canonical\\\' input mode, in which data is only spit out once a newline char \\\'\\\\n\\\' is received, which is useful for parsing text-based replies. [AsyncSerial] also allows users to set VMIN and VTIME, as described in the unix manual, sub verbo \\\'termios\\\'. [AsyncSerial] can either output received data as a sequence of bytes, as [serial] does, or as a list of text symbols, which is useful with canonic input processing.

Format : External
Environment : max / Max Runtime
Max 6.x


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