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Home > Objects > E > EAMIR - Tiles > author : V.j. Manzo

EAMIR - Tiles

The EAMIR tiles take the amount force exerted into them and convert that energy it into music.

created by V.J. Manzo

The EAMIR tiles take the amount force exerted into them and convert that energy it into music. Embedded in each floor tile, beneath the colored rectangle, is a sensor that measures force. The amount of force is translated differently depending on which tile program is being run. This simple program outputs the notes of the C Major scale from low to high depending on the amount of force exerted. Other programs allow the tiles to be used for pitch matching games and activities for memory reinforcement as well as extended options for musical performance. The tiles are moveable and may also be mounted vertically (attached to the walls) if desired.

created by V.J. Manzo
www.vjmanzo.com/cv | www.vincemanzo.com
from the library :
EAMIR - the Electro-acoustic Musically Interactive Room
Format : Standalone Application
Environment : jitter / max / Max Runtime / msp
Max 5.x / 4.x


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